File: the Prime Minister's ecobonus, the investigations into the League and De Benedetti summoned to the Antimafia

The Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission could summon Carlo De Benedetti on the matter. The editor of Tomorrow, the newspaper that published the article that opened the investigation after Minister Guido Crosetto's complaint, may have to explain how the information from Guardia di Finanza lieutenant Pasquale Striano ended up in its newspaper. In total, fifteen people are under investigation: among these eight journalists. Four are professionals: three of them Tomorrow. The others are not registered on the lists and only their initials are known. There are more than 33,000 files under investigation and around ten thousand accesses. And the history of the investigations into the League and those into magistrate Antonio Laudati is better described. Who may have committed crimes to obtain the Ecobonus for an apartment.

The Northern League

According to the investigation, between 2018 and 2019, Laudati and Striano sent a file on party funds to prosecutors in Milan, Rome, Genoa and Bergamo who were investigating. According to the Ansa news agency, the case concerns the Lombardy Film Commission and various figures from the Northern League world. The summons cites numerous reports of suspicious operations carried out by Striano in this regard. In this investigation, the accountants Di Rubba and Manzoni, linked to the Northern League, were convicted. Between 2019 and 2022, the financier consulted 4,124 SOS and developed 171 analysis sheets on 1,531 individuals and 74 legal entities. It studied 1,123 people in the Revenue Agency system and 1,947 in the police system. Striano and Laudati are accused of forgery and abuse of power in Perugia. Suspicions of Laudati's abuse are now under scrutiny.

The ecobonus

The prosecution is seeking to find out whether the prosecutor, now retired, committed crimes to obtain an eco-bonus for the renovation of an apartment, it is reported. The imprint. The magistrate also created a case to challenge real estate speculation in front of one of his beach houses. However, Il Fatto writes that the file on the League arose from a request from the Bank of Italy. More precisely from the Financial Information Office (Uif). Striano's file was titled “Financial Notes on Operations Related to the Northern League.” He worked there for two months. The fact that the SOS was published in the newspapers suggests that he may have passed them on to journalists.

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