File for VIPs and politicians, Striano alle Iene: “40 thousand accesses? I'll explain to you how it works.” Because he had investigated Fedez

“It's bad not to be afraid of not having” says Guardia di Finanza lieutenant Pasquale Striano, interviewed by Iene broadcast today March 26. The financier investigated by the Perugia public prosecutor's office in collaboration with the prosecutor of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate, Antonio Laudati, on the alleged activity of the file, tries to defend himself at the microphone of Gaetano Pecoraro, who with Alessandra Frigo questions for the first times the financier. time spent on television. “How could I be condemned for “dossier” – said Striano – for which I don’t even know the word? Then I will prove that there was a great investigator and you want to make him out to be someone who works sloppyly. » But “working badly – ​​adds Striano – is when the results it gives are also bad. Either you're a redneck or you're a good investigator. »

There are still many unanswered questions regarding Striano's extensive research. An activity that the prosecutor of Perugia, Raffaele Cantone, regarding the number of accesses to the different databases by Striano, had described as “monstrous and worrying”. Various personalities from the world of entertainment and sport, from Fedez to Massimiliano Allegri, as well as politicians, such as Minister Guido Crosetto, behind the report that opened the investigation.

Laudati's requests

Doubts about Striano's activity are notably linked to a possible instigator and the requests that prosecutor Laudati would have made to him. Requests that he confirmed to Verità on March 16. But in Iene, the financier seems to change his version: “he too could have defended the cabin more – says Striano – but I will defend him to the death because Laudati never told me “look at this and look at that”” . The financier seems to partially contradict himself on the modus operandi with the anti-mafia prosecutor: “Do research without him asking me? What are you kidding… Laudati never asked me, except in these few very detailed cases.

Regarding the 40,000 accesses to the databases attributed to Striano and the fact that he acted on Laudati's orders, the financier insists: “It's definitely bullshit. The data is misleading, my job is to read the reports. If you access one report and it brings you ten more, you have access to 3 thousand reports in a day. The most important contributions came from outside, from my friend and fellow journalist. Nothing illegal.”

Research on Fedez

Striano seems to confirm the hypothesis that his research was also the result of curiosity, after reading some information on the Internet or in newspapers. As in the case of Fedez: “I don't remember him, maybe it was my curiosity. If you want to condemn me because I watched Fedez, I will sign it immediately. I had to read some news and check some things.”

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