Ex-AC Milan player Robinho accuses Italy of racism after conviction

“Certainly, if my trial were against a white Italian, it would be different. Without a doubt. With the amount of evidence I have, I would not be convicted.” Former AC Milan footballer Robinho said this on Brazilian television channel Record, regarding his nine-year prison sentence for gang sexual violence in Italy. Robinho accused Italian justice of racism during his trial. Next Wednesday, Brazil's Superior Court of Justice (STJ) will assess the Italian government's request that he serve his sentence on Brazilian territory. “I only played four years in Italy and I'm tired of seeing stories of racism. Unfortunately, it still continues today. That was in 2013, it's 2024. The same people who don't nothing against this type of acts are the same. the same that they condemned,” Robinho told TV Record. In piecing together his case, Robinho admitted the brief relationship with the girl who accused him. “We had a superficial and quick relationship. We exchanged kisses. At no time did she reject me or say 'stop'. There were other people there and when I saw that she wanted to stay with other guys, I went home,” added the former Santos player.

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