Envelope with bullet at the home of Northern League senator Centinaio: “Now we know where you live”

An envelope containing a bullet was found in the mailbox of the Pavia home of League senator Gian Marco Centinaio. It was the Northern League parliamentarian himself who found the envelope, as he told Il Giorno: “I opened the box where there was an envelope without a stamp and I immediately noticed a bulge: it was a bullet. And the pain that accompanied it said, “Now we know where you live.” Hundreds of people reported it to the police station, subsequently receiving solidarity from his party and Forza Italia. The envelope arrives after a series of episodes which, according to the senator, indicate an “escalation of violence”. In the past, he said, “I was the victim of verbal attack during the election campaign for the latest policies, I received anonymous letters and on January 10 I was attacked while I was walking in Corso Cavour. But they won't be able to stop me, I will continue to do my job without being intimidated.”

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