Ecotherapy at Lefay Resort & SPA Dolomiti in Pinzolo Dove Viaggi

There is an inside and an outside. The intimate and protected of an exclusive portrait and that of the alpine nature in which it is inserted. And then there is the meeting, because one does not exclude the other. Almost an exercise in geographical and border stretching. To try at Lefay Resort & SPA Dolomiti di Pinzolowhere you can spread out to meet spaces and people.

Like, how Ezio Chiesidirector of the mountaineering, ski mountaineering and hiking school Pinzolo Val Rendena – Friends of the Mountain. “For every excursion, from the simplest, such as the walk to the Nardis waterfall or the San Martino hermitage, to the most difficult, perhaps by electric bike to the Val di Genova or via ferrata in the Dolomites of Brenta, I observe, evaluate, I protect.”

“It is important to have experience, but it is essential to have the clarity to handle situations, gain trust and be listened to, as travelers often care about spectacular photos, perhaps those of a sunset at high altitude or along a scenic route, with the peaks silhouetted against the sky.”

At Lefay Resort & SPA you experience the therapeutic power of greenery

Ecotherapy in Trentino

In the company of Chiesi, or one of the guides trained with him, everything becomes pleasant, so much so that you forget the time and effort, because after a few steps you find yourself in harmony with the people and the environment: what scholars call eco-therapy.

“It’s proven – he explains Monique ColombiniDocteur Methode Lefay SPA – that spending time in a green space encourages you to create positive relationships, develop new skills and improve your psychophysical health.

Outdoor activity lowers blood sugar levels, reduces blood pressure, invigorates the immune system; psychologically, it allows one to take calculated risks and explore difficulties in a safe environment, thereby reducing depression, anxiety or anger outbursts.”

To experience it, the program Active & Balance combines the therapeutic power of greenery with the energetic theory of classical Chinese medicine to restore vital functions and reharmonize energies.

Hare and cabbage ravioli, orange mustard and blue cheese

From the forest to the table

Then there are more “gourmet” experiences dedicated to tasting local products or picking, in which fruits, berries, essences and edible flowers are sought.

This is another way of returning from the outside to the inside, because many products are found in the restaurant's altimeter map. Grualwith eight courses divided by height.

“A celebration of the Dolomites – he says Matteo Maenza, executive chef of the Lefay Group – which offers the excellence of the territory, from the bottom of the valleys to the mountain pastures and reaching the high mountains.”

The scent of flowers, herbs and woods from Val Rendena then enters as if by magic, like a kind of aromatherapy, and diffuses into the rooms to provide olfactory well-being.

This is also thanks to the eco-sustainability of the structure, with the interiors made with natural materials and the large windows overlooking the mountains.

Lefay SPA Dolomites

A vision that can also be appreciated in the SPA of more than 5,000 square meters, where treatments combine the principles of classical Chinese medicine, which uses the power of nature to rebalance Qi, the energy flow, with Western techniques.

As he likes to say to his guests Fabrizio Castellani, director of Lefay SPA, “the innovation of Lefay SPA Dolomiti lies precisely in the combination of the principles of the Lefay SPA Method in an indoor/outdoor journey, which takes place in the energetic world within the resort and in the green spaces of the Dolomites.” And you take home the result, lasting over time, like a precious gift.

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Info: Lefay Resort & SPA Dolomiti, Via Alpe di Grual 16, Pinzolo (Tn); such. 0465.76.88.00;

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The Spa relaxation area

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