Earth Day 2024: Sustainability at the table

Future Earth Day 2024. THE April 22 is celebrated onEarth Daycreated in 1970 by The United Nations promote the conservation of natural resources and warn against the risks of pollution and climate change. An annual event that becomes a good opportunity to celebrate and respect the environment, even at the table.

Food is one of the main axes of good sustainability practices. Because from the fields to the plate, including livestock farming and the agri-food industry, the burden of human food is among the heaviest on the planet. And not only in the production phase: the quantities of food wasted are also considerable. The said food waste, with additional costs of disposal and pollution. According to Eurostat data, inIn the European Union, more than 58 million tonnes of food waste accumulate each year (131 kg/inhabitant)worth 132 billion euros which ends up in the trash.

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Eurostat estimates that approximately 10% of food available to European consumers (in retail stores, restaurants and homes) could end up being thrown away. But paradoxically, more than 37 million people cannot afford a quality meal every other day.

Goal 2 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda on food sustainability

Contradictions and ethical emergencies that are becoming more and more pressing. Try to give answers United Nations Food System Summitwho created the Food Systems Countdown Initiativean interdisciplinary body responsible for monitoring the transformation of global food systems and providing guidelines for achieving (or at least trying to achieve) the goals ofUnited Nations Agenda 2030. Only theobjective number 2 is proposed to eradicate hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

Sustainable restaurants: LaFourchette survey

Everyone, from governments and institutions to businesses and individual citizens, is called upon to behave virtuously. From our kitchen to when we go out to dinner with friends. Sensitivity on the subject is increasing among consumers and chefs: according to data from TheFork, 61% of users prefer restaurants that make more responsible choices towards the planet. A figure on the rise: last year, it was 56%.

But what does it really mean to be a sustainable restaurant? According to the survey, more than half of users (56.5%) pay attention to factors such as the use of organic, zero km and seasonal ingredients. The most attentive (6.4%) also evaluate the official recognitions which certify environmental commitment, such as Michelin Green Star.

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Still little exploited dog bag to avoid food waste (this is only important for 4.6%) but perhaps because there is nothing left on the plate anyway.
Why choose a green restaurant? 36.6% are motivated mainly by health problems, linking the sustainability of raw materials to greater quality and authenticity of food. In second position (32.8%), we find the desire of many to reward establishments that show attention to the subject, while 21.1% wish to personally contribute to reduce its environmental impact.

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Even at the cost of paying more: while 41.1% of respondents believe that the cost of sustainable restaurants is not significantly higher, almost a third (28.5%) consider paying a bill slightly more raised as an investment in the future.

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