Door-to-door drones on Elkann's house, Privacy Guarantor opens investigation

On the issue of drones Door to door who flew over John Elkann's Turin home to collect images to broadcast during the show, the Privacy Guarantor opened an investigation. The lawyer for the president of Stellantis defined it as an “unjustifiable intrusion into the private life of our client, also carried out by state television”. Bruno Vespa's editorial team was then warned “not to repeat similar behavior, as well as to use in any way any image thus obtained”. The Guarantor has now asked Rai to send, within ten days, information and documents, as well as to provide observations on the alleged privacy violation. The company had already responded to the note from Elkann's lawyers, stressing that the filmmaker, “provided with a regular flight license”, had stopped “filming after the invitation from Elkann's internal security”. In any case, he would not have broadcast the images. The Vespa team then cited the Guarantor's instructions, considering that “the use of images taken by drones for journalistic purposes is authorized even without the consent of the interested parties, subject to obvious precautions”, i.e. say avoid filming people or identifying elements. But in its investigation, the Authority specifies that, “even in the exercise of journalistic activity, the provisions on the protection of personal data must be taken into account”, stressing that the “principles of lawfulness, accuracy and transparency in collection must always be respected. “…data and prohibit the incorrect use of invasive techniques”.

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