Delmastro affair, PD parliamentarians insist: “We will be harmed in the trial”

Today, March 12, the trial of Undersecretary of Justice Andrea Delmastro began, accused of revealing the state secret in the case of the anarchist Alfredo Cospito and his prison contacts. Four parliamentarians from the Democratic Party asked to join the civil action: Silvio Lai, Debora Serracchiani, Walter Verini and Andrea Orlando. The request, already rejected by the Gup, has been filed again: the Court will rule on April 2. Representatives of the Democrat also asked to hear as witnesses the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio and the FdI deputy Giovanni Donzelli. The list filed among the defendant's defenders includes, among others, the name of the head of the Dap, Giovanni Russo.

The story

Delmastro is accused of revealing to his party colleague Giovanni Donzelli information about conversations that anarchist Alfredo Cospito allegedly had in prison. Donzelli would later use this information to attack the Democratic Party. According to the Rome public prosecutor's office, the undersecretary “violated the duty of secrecy imposed” on documents “not accessible for reasons of public order and security.” On December 1, Delmastro was tried.

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