dedicated initiatives and special occasions

There are many initiatives, inside and outside the country, to celebrate women.

From the Capital, celebrations concern many sectors, starting with the world of art: the idea is to shift the center of attention to the role that women have had in history and the history of art and therefore from March 8 to The Capitoline Museums will present “Women in the Art Gallery”, a multimedia project in which the protagonists of some of the Art Gallery's masterpieces they tell their story via their smartphone. From Tintoretto’s “Penitent Magdalene” to the “gypsy” of Caravaggio’s “Good Fortune”. While the two female painters Maria Felice Tibaldi Subleyras and Maria Luigia Raggi talk about their lives and their works.

Instead, at the Auditorium in via Conciliazione there is a concert by Noemi and Federica Carta (at 9 p.m. on March 8, free entry by reservation), after the round table “Women: strength, courage, resilience”. The testimony of the new generations”, with the advisor for culture and youth policies of the Lazio region, Simona Renata Baldassarre.

In the Pompeii excavations will open the women's section of the Bains Forum complex from March 8, at the end of the maintenance and restoration work. Still used as a repository of archaeological material, and therefore occupied by bulky shelves, the Baths, accessible to the public for the first time, revealed painted surfaces, until then remained unknown due to thick concretions which had already erased their polychromy since the time. time of excavations of the building in 1823-24.

For March 8 the three editions of the Rai Parliament information program will be devoted to issues of female representation in the highest positions of institutions and the economic gender gap, with a look at the provisions of the Italian parliament and European institutions to help women benefit from equal opportunities.

Speaking of big roles, Laura Abbruzzetti, 35 she is the first captain of a tugboat in the port of Ancona and in the Central Adriatic Sea port system. The President of the Central Adriatic Sea Port System Authority, Vincenzo Garofalo, met with her to congratulate her for her role and thus celebrate International Women's Day on March 8, in tribute to all women who work in the ports of the Adsp.

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