David Parenzo arrested in Sapienza, blitz by a pro-Palestinian group: “Racist, you justify genocide” – Video

A group of pro-Palestinian activists arrested journalist David Parenzo who was to speak at a conference at La Sapienza University in Rome. It’s the same Aria presenter who brings up La7 to denounce the attack in a video in which some activists interrupt the meeting: “They don’t want me to speak,” Parenzo explains in the video. While some wave the Palestinian flag, an activist turns to Parenzo who is filming him: “You are a racist who uses the women's issue by exploiting it to defend and justify the ongoing genocide in Palestine.” Parenzo tries to answer: “Maybe you're not ready…”, but the girl shouts at him, as do others who accuse him of keeping the other demonstrators away from the room.

Expressions of solidarity with Parenzo were numerous, starting with the president of the Jewish Community of Rome, Victor Fadlun: “Denying David Parenzo the right to speak simply because he is Jewish, and even calling him a 'fascist' and throwing garbage, it was an inappropriate spectacle which demonstrates the heavy climate of intimidation experienced by our Community. Even more serious, this happened within a university, Sapienza, which should be a temple of freedom of thought and expression. We express our closeness and solidarity to Parenzo, a courageous journalist who, in these times of obscure fanaticism and pro-Hamas propaganda, continues to provide correct information and tell the truth, leaving room for all opinions and points of view. view. Thanks David!

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