Crosetto puts an end to the case of General Vannacci. The note explaining all the stages of the story

The Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto, spoke definitively on the Roberto Vannacci case, explaining step by step the disciplinary measures taken against the general so dear to the League. After responding to my government colleague Matteo Salvini (who had criticized the investigation by the Ministry of Defense), here is a note from the ministry which recalls that “the military, by their status and their function, are subject to compliance with the rules of the Military Order Code and consolidated regulatory text”. “In the event of particularly serious or high-profile events, potentially harmful to the image of the Armed Forces – specifies the note – the competent authority may order, immediately after the event, carrying out a summary investigation”. “The entire investigation – explains the ministry – is marked by a precise timetable, which requires the parties (all) to strictly respect the deadlines and takes place in cross-examination with the under indictment, who can call on a military defender and, if you wish, a trusted lawyer.”

All steps

The summary investigation was ordered on August 18 last year, concluded in October, then began with a formal disciplinary investigation in December and closed on February 15, with a detailed final report “which established the validity of the accusations, was sent on the same date to the Minister of Defense, who, after a more in-depth examination by his collaborators, on the basis of what was established by the regulatory framework, decreed the sanction of the soldier”. No mechanical justice therefore, the February 27 the disciplinary suspension for 11 months was notified. Closing the note, the Ministry of Crosetto recalls that “the disciplinary sanctions of the State do not in any way compromise the civil and political rights of the sanctioned soldier, including any candidacy for electoral consultations of any nature whatsoever.

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