Ciro Grillo graduated in law: thesis in criminal procedure with 110 cum laude. “Now he will choose whether he will be a lawyer or a magistrate”

After going from a consultation with a lawyer to a hearing – for the trial in which he was accused of gang rape against an Italian-Norwegian tourist in 2019 – Ciro Grillo finally became passionate about the subject: jurisprudence, of course. It is to these studies that he has dedicated himself during these years, of torment for himself as well as for the three other friends accused of violence – Francesco Corsiglia, Vittorio Lauria and Edoardo Capitta. A course of study that helped him to focus on something else and to feel better, according to the mother of the 23-year-old and wife of Beppe Grillo. Yesterday, this journey ended with the young man obtaining his degree from the University of Genoa. Thesis in the field of criminal procedure, reports this morning the local edition of Republicprepared with professor and lawyer Mitja Gialuz. Impeccable discussion, as well as the entire curriculum, if it is true that Ciro Grillo left the Faculty of Law yesterday with a laurel wreath on his head and a round of 110 cum laude. Also present at the last academic act of the 23-year-old were his parents, the founder of the 5 Star Movement and his wife of Iranian origin. However, only friends were partying at the end of this busy morning in a bar not far from the faculty.

The 23-year-old's career choices

And now, what will Grillo jr. do? It seems that in recent times the young man has already set foot in the world of work in the legal field by working as an intern alongside Andrea Vernazza, the lawyer who is defending him in the gang rape trial alongside his cousin Enrico Grillo. An internship that the 23-year-old from Genoa could now continue with a view to winning the title. “Ciro asks me and is interested in the processes that I follow,” Vernazza recently confided. Even if, like many recent graduates of the same course, Grillo jr. for the moment, he does not even rule out the possibility of participating in justice. “He has not yet decided whether he wants to take one path or another,” according to his cousin-lawyer.

The trial of Tempio Pausania and the accusation of gang rape

What is certain is that the young man will still hear about hearings, testimonies and convictions as an accused: next week, the continuation of the interrogation is scheduled at Tempio Pausania – where the trial for the events of five years ago is taking place, paid for by Francesco. Corsille. While Grillo himself and the other two friends should soon publish new spontaneous statements. On the night of 16-17 July 2019, after a night out at a disco and a lot of alcohol, the four friends returned home with a young Italian-Norwegian woman who was 19 at the time of the events. She claims that she was pressured to drink more and then that she was gang raped. The lawyers of the four friends maintain that the girl consented. The dispute also revolves partly around a video that captured key moments of the relationship that night five summers ago, which has already been shown and discussed in court twice – last January and again in June.

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