Chile, the Court orders the reopening of investigations into Pablo Neruda: the poet died after the 1973 coup d'état

The mystery surrounding the death of poet Pablo Neruda could be solved. A Chilean court, he writes Cooperative Radio, decided to reopen the investigation today. Last December, Judge Paola Plaza closed the case concerning the death of the Nobel Prize winner for literature after rejecting requests made in 2011 by the Communist Party, of which he was a member and senator, and by his family for a reopening of the investigation. to verify if they were responsible. Neruda died 12 days after Augusto Pinochet's September 11, 1973, coup that overthrew President Salvador Allende, his friend, and brought a right-wing military dictatorship to power. The Chilean poet's death came hours before he boarded a plane that would take him into exile in Mexico. The official version of the Chilean government, reported on the death certificate, indicates that the cause of death was prostate cancer and malnutrition.

However, according to those close to him, Neruda was poisoned by Pinochet's secret police, the Dina. In mid-December, an analysis conducted by a pool international forensic experts had also validated the hypothesis put forward by the poet's family and confirmed the presence of a toxin, found for the first time in a molar a few years ago, which would have caused his death in 1973. ” We now know that Clostridium botulinum should not have been present in Neruda's bones. What does it mean? “He was assassinated in 1973 by agents of the Chilean state,” declared on this occasion Rodolfo Reyes, nephew of the Chilean poet, who has been fighting publicly for years to contest the official version provided by Chile. His death began about ten years ago, when a Chilean judge ordered the exhumation of the poet's remains. What reopened the legal chapter was the revelation of Neruda's driver, Manuel Araya, who said he had received a phone call from him, a few hours before his death, in which the poet said he had been poisoned during his hospitalization.

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