Chiara Ferragni de Fazio: “It was a difficult time, I was overcome by hatred. Federate? We're talking but we're in a serious crisis” – Videos

“I'm fine, I'm happy to be here. It's a bit of a tough period, it's been a bit complicated two and a half months. Of course, everything has to be put into context because my story is so small compared to the tragedies happening around the world. I found myself at the center of a wave of hatred. » Chiara Ferragni is Fabio Fazio's guest in Che Tempo Che Fa, 7 years after the last time but especially a few months after the opening of investigations into commercial operations and charitable agreements with certain companies. And the news of the breakup with her husband Fedez, father of her children Leone and Vittoria. “You'd think someone like me would be prepared for something like this.” But nothing can prepare you for the violence of these attacks. It was also difficult for me because I'm used to being attacked,” confessed the influencer, who has around 30 million followers on social networks, “I know that social networks are fantastic when everything is going well good and a nightmare when it's good. well, it's bad, but experiencing it on your own skin is certainly different. When we go from praise to harsh criticism, even rightly so in some cases, everything becomes more difficult because we feel surrounded. »

The Pandoro affair

Ferragni is under investigation for aggravated fraud for having communicated the agreement with certain brands, which could have led the consumer to believe that by purchasing the products, they would contribute to a donation to charity. “The turning point is December 15, 2023, the Antitrust ruling. Until that moment, I did not think I had done anything wrong, but only that I had done charity, in good faith”, reconstructs the 36-year-old man, “but I understood that if the people misunderstood my intentions, they misunderstood what I did, so things could be done differently, they could be said and done better. That means there was a mistake.” And then he admits: “In hindsight, it was better to disconnect the business operations from the charity. As I said in the apology video, if anyone If you misunderstand my intentions, I will return everything my companies have earned through these agreements.”

The break with Fedez

Ferragni also talks about his overexposure on social networks, a choice made 20 years ago and which he does not regret. But in recent days, it has put her to the test, with journalists besieging her house to find out if she has made peace with her husband. Da Fazio doesn't want to say too much about the marriage crisis with Fedez. When the facilitator tells her that the problem can perhaps be solved, she simply adds: “Let's see.” So he asks her to explain how she felt when she was criticized because many invoked some sort of publicity strategy to distract from the legal issues. “We think that a character behind the screen is artificial, so we think that behind each of my movements there is a group of experts who advise me. And I am a strategist who decides with my husband to simulate a crisis”, says the influencer, “this is unfortunately not the case. This is not a strategy, although it would be better. When you are a public figure and you give up your privacy, it becomes difficult to ask for it to be respected in a complicated moment. However, people who follow you for a long time learn to understand you, they learn to understand you even with a simple photo. And I want to thank them for the many messages I received. I will always try to be as authentic as possible, but there will always be someone who doesn't understand.”

The relationship with the husband

Ferragni also spoke about her relationship with the rapper and the current situation. “Fedez and I decided to give up our privacy a long time ago, it's not the media's fault. I started my social story at 16, Federico already had his. When we met, she visibly exploded. It was a choice, we decided to proceed this way and I think I will continue to do it, to talk about myself on social networks”, assures Ferragni. And then he adds some details about the current situation: “Federico and I “We're in contact, we're two adults who love each other. It's not like we're closing our ties from one moment to the next. It's a moment of crisis, we've had those in the past too, but this one is stronger. We see”

However, something is wrong, at least in the last 4 months. What would you no longer do? “I will no longer carry out different operations. As I always have, commercial activities on one side and charitable activities on the other. I didn't imagine these misunderstandings. I think I'm going to change something in the way I communicate and live. I want to live the days more, I want to live the present more. How many times have I realized that the memory of a certain moment gives me better feelings than having lived it”, says the Italian queen of social networks, before saying goodbye to the Discovery audience. “On the networks “, he continues, “I met great people, but these tools also have negative sides. And there is a life outside that we must live. When the media pillory exploded, I was afraid of to go out and confront myself because I felt surrounded. Instead, as soon as I did, I found fantastic people, who made me feel good. Going out into the real world was great for me and I want to do it more and more.”

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