challenges and opportunities in the digital age

In the rapidly evolving digital age, the concept of work has undergone a significant transformation, influenced by technological innovations and social changes. Today's young people face an ever-changing professional landscape characterized by new opportunities and unique challenges. What is the future of work in the social and digital world? It is important to know this to understand emerging dynamics and adequately prepare for tomorrow's challenges.

Digital transformation and technological innovation

Over the past 25 years, digital transformation and technological innovation have brought disruptive changes to the world of work. This upheaval was largely caused by the explosion of dot com and since the birth of startups fast and aggressive in a market with suddenly changed rules. The old rule that big fish eat small fish has been replaced: now the fastest, often a small startup, gets there first and conquers the market.

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In 2019, the report “The future of work” of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) stressed that “14% of existing jobs could disappear due to automation in the next 15 to 20 years and a further 32% could be radically transformed through the automation of individual tasks”. Today, these figures seem to confirm the trend: according to Future of Jobs Report 2023 » of the World Economic Forum, in fact, 44% of worker skills will be disrupted in the next five years.

Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are also revolutionizing many industries. This development not only increases efficiency, but also changes the type of skills required in the job market. Traditional professions, such as those linked to manufacturing production, are giving way to new professional figures, such as data analysts and AI specialists. Digital skills are becoming more and more crucial.

"Work of the future" a girl works with her tablet

A young woman working with digital technology – Photo by Freepik

The work of the future, the expectations of Gen Z

Most members of Generation Z consider flexibility a core value in their work choices. It's not about finding a job for life, but ensure that this job guarantees me the ability to live “my life”. The phenomenon of Quiet Quitting is actually on the rise also because many companies have not provided such flexibility.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the spread of remote work, transforming it from a fringe option to a central part of tomorrow's work. Many businesses have discovered the benefits it brings, such as increased productivity and reduced operating costs. Consequently, Remote working is becoming common practice in many industries.

However, not everyone rejects the idea of ​​the office. Some young people enjoy the office as a social and creative space, and sometimes as a calm and peaceful place, contrasting with the chaos of personal life. For example, many content creatorfound new motivation in traditional work by sharing videos showing her office and work routine on TikTok, proving that despite challenges, the office can still play a positive role.

"Work of the future" middle-aged people learn to work on PC

People of different ages learn to work on PC – Photo by Freepik

Learn to relearn

The world we are about to navigate is full of possibilities but it travels at such speed that a reassessment of the way of working is necessary, to measure results, contractual forms and the skills to be possessed. These new developments are already transforming the knowledge required in school, preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist today.

Automation and technological innovation promise significant improvements in living and working conditions, but the transition brings challenges and uncertainties. For this reason, every professional must engage in the development the ability to unlearn what one knows and learn new things, embrace change and use it to your advantage. In a constantly changing world, the ability to adapt is not only an advantage, but an essential necessity for building an inclusive professional future.

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