Cartiere Pigna interrupts collaboration with Chiara Ferragni. The influencer: “Instrumental choice”

There Paolo Pigna Stationery The spa has terminated commercial relations with companies related to Chiara Ferragni. The decision, confirmed by the general management of the paper company, was taken, explain the same sources, “in respect for own corporate code of ethicswhich can also be consulted on the portal, which excludes collaboration with third parties sanctioned by the competent authorities for having behaved unethically, correctly and respectful of the law”.

What was decided by the company based in Alzano Lombardo (Bergamo) confirms the rumors, reported by some media, about the end of the collaboration with the influencer, also based on the deletion from the “Chiara Ferragni Limited Edition” page of the Pigna site: the result, when opening the page, is “Error 404″.

The collaboration between Pigna and the companies that refer to Chiara Ferragni “was of a purely commercial nature – specifies the company – and concerned the creation of lines of stationery products for school and office”.

The influencer’s reaction: “Illegitimate and instrumental behavior”

“Illegitimate and instrumental behavior”, that of the Cartiere Pigna spa: we read it in a note with which Phoenix srl, the company that manages the influencer's brands, “contests Pigna's violation of the existing contract and the legitimacy of the unilateral interruption of commercial relations.” “The illegitimacy of Pigna's decision – the note continues – was aggravated by the company's choice to communicate to the public, even before Fenice, the end of the partnership relationship; obviously a choice instrumental and contrary to the obligation to sincerity in the execution of the contract. In this context, Fenice reserves the right to act in the most appropriate places to protect its interests.

“Furthermore – the press release concludes – Fenice considers that the reference to the code of ethics is instrumental, also in consideration of a statement made to the media on December 23, 2023 by the CEO of Pigna, who had defined the collaboration profitable and satisfactory. Fenice also communicates that similar protection initiatives will be taken against subjects who have behaved in violation of existing collaboration contracts and therefore Fenice's interests.

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