Carlo Calenda gives up but not too much: “Yes to the alliances with the M5 in the Regionals, but Conte says bullshit…”

Carlo Calenda announced that he wanted to form broad alliances for the regional elections. Change of position in relation to the isolation of the Third Pole, which in the meantime collapsed after the disputes with Matteo Renzi. But he has not changed his opinion on Giuseppe Conte: “I think he is a populist, that he was a bad prime minister and I do not share his ideas, from the Superbonus to energy recovery facilities, without talk about foreign affairs.” policy. I never said we would be part of a vast domain. We did not form a government with the Five Stars before the Ukrainian affair, and even less today. The sentences Conte said the day before yesterday on television about Ukraine are immoral. I just got back from there. At the front, there are a million people defending their freedom, and what Conte should do instead of saying stupid things… – and writing stupid things… please – on the clothes of Zelensky is to lift the cover and do thirty hours of “I”. I'm traveling to Ukraine because he's talking about a story he literally knows nothing about.”

The Alliance

However, the alliance with the M5 is already made: “In Abruzzo there is a high-quality civic candidate, a rector who revived the University of Teramo and restored the transport company. Shouldn't I support him because the Five Stars support him? What I said is that we will not continue to support third-party candidates. After six regional elections, there is a lesson to be learned: the one-round electoral system does not allow a third candidacy. We support D'Amico in Abruzzo exactly as we do with Occhiuto, in Calabria, who is a good liberal, moderate and pro-European governor. This is the criterion on which we decide and will decide: competence, honesty and democratic values. More testimonial nominations. »

Two ovens

But that of the leader of Action, he specifies, is not the strategy of two ovens: “There is only one oven to open in Italy and it is that of competence and capacity. Alliances must be made on the basis of the qualities of a person and a program, and it is obvious that the postulate is the sharing of fundamental values ​​with the candidate. Let me explain to you: I could never support a fascist, an imbecile or a populist.” But he doesn't understand what the Democratic Party is celebrating: “What, Conte's victory? They gave him a podium. They had accepted Soru's request to organize coalition primaries, we would have had a wider victory and a candidate closer to them. But the Democratic Party continues to see its conditions dictated by the M5S, Conte will eat them. If, on the other hand, he has the strength to find reforming and serious candidates, we will be there.”

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