BigMama arrives at the UN: the speech at the Glass Palace against harassment and body shaming

From the Ariston stage to the Glass Palace. In less than 48 hours, BigMama will be invited to the United Nations Palace in New York, where she will speak about the issues that are still close to her heart: those of the fight against harassment, body shame and any form of discrimination or violence. The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 22, when the United Network, an organization associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications, will promote the “Arts for Global Citizenship” initiative within the framework of the international conference Global Citizens Model United Nations. The framework in which the 23-year-old singer will be able to bring her experience and her struggles. “Growing up and looking to the future” will be the theme of his opening speech, he anticipates. Corriere del Mezzogiornofrom his personal experience, also consisting of episodes of harassment and body shame suffered during adolescence. Themes that also gave shape to the lyrics of the song presented at the Sanremo Festival a few weeks ago, Anger is not enough for you. “They told me: fat girl, you suck. And I was convinced that I deserved it until I started writing and believing a lot in myself,” BigMama, born Marianna Mammone, recently confessed in an interview.

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