Beppe Grillo in vitriol: “Yesterday I saw Conte, Berlusconi had more votes when he was dead than when he was alive”

“It’s a historic moment, I met Conte yesterday, he showed me a little tenderness. Berlusconi got more votes when he was dead than when he was alive. » Beppe Grillo said it in his show “Io sono unaltro” in Fiesole. “It is no longer the time to shout, it is the time of Conte, he is a moderate person. The Movement that we made perhaps no longer exists, it is said that perhaps we have been vaporized, that is perhaps the right word. We have done wonderful things”, declared the comedian. But Grillo does not only comment on the world of the M5S but also that of the forces in power. “We no longer have the 'psychonano', we have the 'psychonana' , with terrible costumes and the jackets that Merkel gave him”, he explains, referring to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. “I like the psychopathic dwarf – added Grillo -, she also has a sense of The joke he played on De Luca was incredible, I would have hugged her. We should get some sense of humor back, so just talk to Conte for 15 minutes and you'll get it. give it back, because he is an academic, a professor, a lawyer.”

“Those who went to vote thought they were going to vote and went back 70 years. Maybe Darwinism is the opposite, it has selected the worst,” said the founder of the 5 Star Movement. “50% are not going to vote, they have 30%, which makes 30% of 50%. We we have 5%, but is it a democracy?” he asks the audience. And still on the subject of injustice, he comments on the latest judgment of the Supreme Court which proposes a second appeal for the former mayor of Turin, the 5-star Chiara Appendino, on the events in Piazza San Carlo: “Appendino is the only one condemned for shame in Turin, the prefect and the police commissioner no, the police no.”

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