Basilicata, clash on Lacerenza: center-left activists and mayors against the Campo Largo candidate

The Lucanian center-left is divided around the name of Domenico Lacerenza, on which Elly Schlein and Giuseppe Conte had found a consensus for a broad area, with the support of +Europa and the Green-Left Alliance and also the approval of the first choice. Democrats, Angelo Chiorazzo. A solution which, however, does not seem to satisfy everyone at all. Activists, mayors, union leaders and leaders of the Democratic Party and the center-left of Basilicata have in fact ordered the withdrawal of Lacerenza's candidacy. Otherwise, they will favor “the center of Lucanian pride”. The request, anticipated by fiery messages on social networks, was formalized in a document published by Giovanni Petruzzi, then coordinator of the Cuperlo motion. Who considers it “very appropriate and urgent” that the regional leadership of the Democratic Party be summoned, “which has never discussed or decided on Lacerenza's candidacy for president.”


What bothers the signatories of the document, on the verge of starting an internal war, is the way in which the name of Lacerenza, head of the ophthalmology department at the San Carlo hospital in Potenza, was identified. We are talking about an “oligarchic indication” of a “professional considered completely ignorant of politics, to submit to the incomprehensible vetoes of the M5”. A maneuver which would have mortified the popular energies gathered around Angelo Chiorazzo. His Basilicata Casa Comune movement had in fact reached 15 percent in just a few months. But the 5-star veto risked destroying the coalition's efforts.

“An attack on the dignity of the Lucanian people”

The interference of the Five Star Movement, on the one hand, and Rome, on the other, would have angered members of the local Democratic Party. The document states that “the top-down identification of the candidate for president of the Region, without any form of discussion and sharing with those who live every day in the trenches of Lucanian territory, undermines the dignity and autonomy of the Lucanian people who identify with the center-left. And this risks giving, without even the honor of arms, five more years of Bardi's non-government to our center-right political adversaries. » The signatories of the document therefore appeal “to all the forces, political and civic, of the center-left to unblock the situation and converge towards the indication of the best possible candidacy to defeat the center-right”.

The alternative

Which for them continues to be that of Angelo Chiorazzo. But they also propose an alternative: “A candidacy which is indeed an expression of the territory, perhaps forged in the demanding daily function of leading one of our wonderful municipalities”. A call which, if not accepted “quickly”, will pave the way for the autonomous creation of “an innovative center of Lucanian pride, which will attempt to directly counter both the center-right and the bonsai center, Roman-centric”. -left, which, perhaps, will be carried out in support of Lacerenza.

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