Today, March 14, began the legal battle between Naike Rivelli and presenter Barbara D'Urso, who sued the daughter of Ornella Muti for two videos published in 2019 in which she criticized her program at the time, Fifth afternoon. More precisely, as explained in Corriere della Sera by Rivelli's lawyer, Antonio Pelle, shortly after the first hearing in the Alexandria court, “the first video was of a speech by Sgarbi where he talked about his sexual attractiveness and where Sgarbi and D'Urso joked; and Naike made a comment about this model of television, which at that time had a huge audience, and said: “How Italy has fallen because it watches these trashy programs…'”.
The trial
Then there is the second clip, which, Pelle continues, “concerns an interview carried out by D'Urso with Silvio Berlusconi before the electoral campaign in Sardinia on February 24, 2019. In the video, Naike, always with sarcasm, pointed out that the one with the Cavaliere was not an interview but essentially a monologue in which he alone spoke and he made a joke saying that if perhaps Mrs. D'Urso, crossing her legs, showed her underwear to the president, he would stop to speak in rapid fire, evoking the memory of incidents in which the presenter's underwear was actually seen”. Remarks which were not well received by Barbara D'Urso, who, according to the lawyer, ” failed to identify Naike's irony and sarcasm in saying certain things about a brief excerpt from a moment on the show.”
The hypothesis of an agreement
The presenter was also present in court and she had the opportunity to explain the reasons that led her to file a defamation complaint. And she also stated that “she has no interest in having money, if that means apologizing because she felt offended by Naike's words, we will evaluate this possibility and therefore the process will be closed,” continues Pelle. “If, however – he added – by April 4, the date of the next hearing, an amicable agreement is not found, Naike will be heard and the trial will continue.” For the moment, according to what Rivelli said shortly after the hearing, Barbara D'Urso has withdrawn her salute.