Bad weather in Piedmont and Aosta Valley: Cogne isolated. You save a three-month-old baby girl and two adults from the flood of the Orco torrent – The video

The wave of bad weather which has hit the north-west of Piedmont as far as the Aosta Valley since Saturday evening is causing landslides and mudslides. Firefighters are working in the provinces of Verbano and Turin. In Locana, 37 people stuck in a restaurant were transferred to a safe area yesterday. In Mathi, also in the province of Turin, two families were evacuated as a precaution due to the flooding of the Stura di Lanzo river. Yesterday evening, between Montanaro and San Benigno Canavese, rescue teams rescued two adults and a 3-month-old girl stuck in the car due to the rising waters of the Orco stream. The Anza torrent has overflowed in several places, while, according to Corriere della Sera, Cogne is isolated due to a landslide in the hamlet of Epinel, along the regional road that leads to the town at the foot of Gran Paradiso. Two dead and one missing are the sad results of the storm in the canton of Ticino. In the Maggia Valley, according to Italian Swiss newspapers, violent storms caused a major landslide in the Fontana region. Swiss authorities announce that the bodies of two people have been found by Rega rescuers and are being identified. The search for a third missing person is active.

The story of the Cogne hotelier

“Last night, after the situation worsened, the Gran Paradiso campsite was evacuated. In our hotel, we welcomed the displaced people, those we could, about thirty people,” Christine Cavagnet, who runs the Herbetet hotel with her family in Valnontey, a hamlet of Cogne, among the worst-hit areas, told ANSA. The hotelier was not in Cogne last night and, when the only road connecting the town was closed due to a breakdown, around 8 p.m., she was unable to return. For the moment, he is trying to reach the country by helicopter, the only means available at the moment, the agency explains.

Quarona Mayor: “Destructive Event”

“A dramatically destructive event,” the mayor of Quarona (Vercelli) and president of the Valsesia Mountain Union told Ansa. Francesco Pietrasanta talks about the storm that hit the area. “There don't seem to be any injuries – he emphasizes – but there is a lot of damage. A hug to all the communities involved. In the affected area, landslides and bridges were damaged. About twenty campers remained isolated.

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