Alessandro Giuli's debut as minister in the Chamber: “Last-minute appointments by Sangiuliano? I'm not offended at all but they will be changed”

Making his debut in the Chamber as the new Minister of Culture, Alessandro Giuli spoke during Question Time in response to a question from Italia Viva on the recent appointment of members of the ministerial commission for granting contributions to film projects. The minister, who replaced Gennaro Sangiuliano after his resignation over the Boccia affair – the businesswoman with whom he had a relationship, who followed him to many events financed by him but who was denied an appointment already promised to the ministry – explained that he did not feel “at all offended by the choices made” by Sangiuliano. Giuli was referring to the appointments last minute signed by Sangiuliano just before leaving the microphone. “For my part, a few hours after my inauguration, I asked myself some of the questions that you have asked me now, obviously drawing different conclusions,” explained the current minister, “the appointment decree will have to be perfected and enriched.” Giuli stressed that the main concern is that of the non-compliance with the gender equality criterion, and his department will certainly intervene on this issue in the process of finalizing the decree. “With the ministerial decree, it was agreed to appoint 15 personalities and not 18 from the commission of experts, 15 experts with proven experience and high-level CVs: I mention among all that of Paolo Mereghetti, far from being identifiable as a client of Minister Sangiuliano. “, Giuli replied to the hemicycle, “the interlocutors, although diligent in searching for deficiencies in the alleged subjective criteria of the 15 appointed experts, have not, on the contrary, tried to highlight the non-compliance with the gender balance, which is real. I intend to intervene on this profile, since it is also a criterion expressly provided for for the purposes of the composition of the committee of experts”.

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