Acerbi away from Italian training camp, affair erupts after accusations of racism against Juan Jesus

Francesco Acerbi will not leave with the national team for the tour to the United States, where Luciano Spalletti's Azzurri will play two friendly matches. The explanations of the Inter supporter on the case of the alleged racist insult towards Juan Jesus during Inter-Napoli yesterday March 17 were not enough. In the post-match interview with DAZN, the Brazilian explained what happened in the second half of the match, when referee La Penna called Acerbi after Juan Jesus' complaints: “Acerbi, who is a good boy, said some not nice things – said the Napoli defender – He went a little further, but he apologized because he realized that he had exaggerated. They are terrain objects and they stay there. »

However, the matter went beyond the field, with Spalletti's decision to leave Acerbi at home. Arriving at the Italian training camp, the Inter defender gave his version of the facts, denying having insulted his opponent. In a press release, the FIGC explained that “from the account of the Nerazzurri defender, while waiting for what happened to be reconstructed while respecting the autonomy of sporting justice, it emerged that there was no defamatory, denigrating or racist intention on his part. “. The decision to exclude Acerbi from the list of players called up would be justified “to guarantee the necessary serenity to the national team and to the player himself, who will return today to his former club”. In place of Acerbi , Spalletti called up Roma defender Gianluca Mancini, already on the pre-summit list.

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