high school registrations 2024

The choice of educational path is crucial for the training of the individual and for its place in the world of work. High school enrollments in 2024 show a growing trend in favor of high schools, with particular attention paid to technical and scientific fields. Among the most useful skills in the workplace are those related to IT and accounting.

High school registrations 2023/2024: photography of Italy

Secondary school enrollment data in 2024 shows an Italy which emphasizes qualified training. According to data released by the Ministry of Education, the percentage of students enrolled in higher technical institutes increased by two decimal places compared to the previous school year, reaching 30.9 percent. Vocational institutes were chosen by around 12% of children.

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In high school enrollments in 2024, high schools met the preferences of 57.1% of children: the most chosen high school is the scientific high school (26.1% of total registrations), followed by the humanities high school (11.2%) and the linguistic high school (7.7%). The traditional high school was chosen by 5.8% of children. The region of Italy which recorded the highest number of high school registrations was Lazio (69.7% of choices); Veneto is the region with the highest number of students enrolled in technical institutes (38.8% of preferences); finally, in Emilia-Romagna, vocational institutes recorded the highest percentage of applications for registration in high schools compared to the whole country (15.6%). Professional address with adults call is that of gastronomy, wine and hotel hospitality.

School, work and the future: which areas offer the greatest job prospects?

The 2024 high school registration campaign which has just ended demonstrates the desire of certain young people to undertake medium-long term paths in the world of education. THE continuum The ideal high school diploma would be a degree course. The choice of article on the studiorum course the degree is not always easy to undertake.

What is the best strategy for finding a fulfilling job? Certainly, to indulge one's own inclinations and those of others desired This is the best suggestion. Parents must provide adequate support to their children in choosing their course of study. It is important to offer support and collaboration, especially during times of greater uncertainty.

During the 2024 high school registration period, The days of presentation and orientation of addresses, usually convened, were varied and rich open days. Activities generally take place on school premises or online. Preparing for the meeting with the possibilities new In high school, it is the reading of the orientation council, an opinion expressed by the teachers meeting in class council. This is essentially a recommendation, based on teacher evaluations, that is not binding on high school enrollment. It's worth knowing adequate knowledge of digital tools (to use computer or, why not, courses coding and programming) it is a driving force for any career.

There is no economic development sector whose operations are independent of software application management. It is no coincidence that scientific skills are increasingly sought after by recruiters. According to the latest Unioncamere report on employment needs for the period 2023-2027, 48.1% of new jobs will require technical-vocational upper secondary education. Employment sectors with better job prospects I am that health, economic and scientist. Each year, the shortage of graduates in these fields amounts to twelve thousand, eight thousand and six thousand units respectively.

Shifting our gaze to supply chains, we discover that, in the next five years, the areas that will absorb the greatest number of employees are:

  • trade and tourism (more than 750,000 people);
  • health (477 thousand);
  • training and culture (436 thousand);
  • financial advice (430 thousand).

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