Jordan Bike Trail: cycling in the heart of Jordan

Looking at the map of Jordan open on the hood of the car, you have the impression of being at the heart of a journey that takes you to a new and surprising dimension. A soft line of more than 700 kilometers connects the north to the south of Jordan through landscapes which vary according to latitude, leading the cycle tourist to overcome more than 16,000 meters of altitude difference. This is the Jordan cycle pathand what follows is a brief summary of what the route can offer to those who cultivate the spirit of adventure and the desire for discovery.

Jordan Cycle Route 2024Jordan Cycle Route 2024
A section of the Jordan Bike Trail

Journey through Jordan's history

The route retraces in many sections that of the Jordan Trail, the hiking route which crosses the whole of Jordan in 40 days of walking over more than 675 kilometers and which passes through 75 villages and towns. The journey winds through different and extremely particular landscapes: from the gentle wooded hills of the north, to the rugged wadi and to the canyons which dominate the Jordan Valley, from the pink rock of Petra, to the imposing mountains of Wadi Rum which descend, through dunes of very fine sand, into the clear waters of the Red Sea.

By traveling the Jordan Bike Trail, you embark on a journey through Jordan's history and an encounter with its cultural diversity: traveling the entire country at the slow speed of a gravel bike offers the opportunity to discover different cultural layers , to taste the different local cuisines, meet the locals and spend the nights with them.

It is also an opportunity to discover the experience of Jordan and the different civilizations which have left their mark still visible today: the route passes through important historical sites in the region such as Um Qais, Jerash And Petra, but it is also home to hidden ruins immersed in the landscape.

READ ALSO: Petra, the pink city of the Middle East

Jordan Cycle path JordanJordan Cycle path Jordan
A section of the Jordan Bike Trail

700 kilometers in three major regions

Between cultivated fields and green pastures

The trip is divided into three main regions. The northern zone, with three daily stages, is green and lush, with thriving hills and generous land for agriculture. Here it is possible to meet old tractors which in the Western world are only a memory immortalized in black and white photos and, in the middle of the countryside, young farmers struggling with an old horse-drawn plow .

To enrich the landscape, there are expanses of olive trees as far as the eye can see, orange groves, fields of lemon trees, date palms and vegetables. And more goats and flocks of sheep which contribute to the rural charm of these Arab lands.

The route is close Ammanthe opulent capital from which reigns Abd Allāh II ibn al-Husayn, the current monarch of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, known for promoting interreligious dialogue and a moderate interpretation of Islam.

Continuing the route, the village's oak groves appear in the distance Ajloun Forest Reserveone of five in the country. Roman ruins dot the landscape, with Umm Qais And Pella which marked the ancient border of the Roman Empire.

But the Jordan Bike Trail offers many other unexpected surprises, such as the Carakale craft brewery, on the outskirts of Fuhais, testimony to Jordan's tolerance of cultural diversity. The name of the beer is inspired by caracal, a wild desert cat capable of jumping up to four meters to catch prey, whose winged face has become the symbol of the brewery.

READ ALSO: Amman: the “white city” of Jordan to discover (even on a weekend)

Jordan cycle path Jordan cycle path
A section of the Jordan Bike Trail

Up and down the Jordanian highlands

At the heart of the Jordan Bike Trail, the route becomes demanding with the crossing of numerous canyon, or whatever they call them here wadieast of the Dead Sea. The frequent rains make these areas a real test for any cyclist, the steep descents and the thousands of meters of elevation make a gravel bike with wide tires essential.

Jordan is dotted with medieval castles, some of which are also accessible by bike like the Karak Fortresswhich was the scene of historic battles: its dramatic past still resonates in the corridors of the castle, with legends of sieges and revenge. After leaving the fortress, you continue cycling through lunar landscapes through the mountains of Dana and the intense Oued Mujib from where you can enjoy panoramic views that extend to Israel.

The Jordan Bike Trail is designed to guarantee various services and all the necessary safety for those who travel it. The villages offer different types of hospitality, from luxury hotels to guesthouses. Even in these lands, passing through villages and small towns, a voice often pursues the traveler shouting “Welcome to Jordan!” »: this is the special welcome given by the Bedouin people, children of the desert, to all visitors.

The advice is to accept the sweet tea that the locals offer accompanied by a home-cooked meal of warm bread, fried falafel, sweet halva, salty olives and cardamom-flavored coffee.

READ ALSO: Jordan, on the road between sea and desert

Jordan cycle pathJordan cycle path

On the way to the Red Sea

Towards the south, the terrain gradually changes from rocks and earth to very fine sand. It is the desert plain of Jordan which welcomes the biker directed towards Akaba.

Cycling on the sand requires considerable effort, but the effort is rewarded by the beauty of the scenery Wadi Rum. It is in this desert, with its canyons and rock formations, that the legend of Lawrence of Arabia was born.

This is the most difficult part of the route and only tires with large footprints are able to withstand the severe test of balance on the sand: the secret is to look for large stones where the ground is less soft and where it is possible to remain in balance. . These are the last days of the trip and fatigue is inevitably making itself felt. But Aqaba is ever closer, and with it the crystal clear waters of the Red Sea, where a well-deserved bath marks the end of a wonderful journey and the beginning of rest.

Jordan Cycle Route 2024Jordan Cycle Route 2024

Useful information and tips on the Jordan Bike Trail

THE Jordan Cycle Route Website offers a detailed itinerary divided into 12 daily stages, with an average distance of around 60 kilometers and an average elevation gain of 1600 meters. The route is recommended for expert and moderately trained cyclists.

Before leaving

The best time to undertake the trip described in this article is from May to September. It is best to book your accommodation in advance.

Local guides offer mountain bike rides. The electric version is not possible due to legislation which equates electric bikes with motorcycles, and therefore requires a license and insurance. The gravel bike is, however, faster on the asphalt sections (which represent more than half of the route) compared to a mountain bike; The advice is to adopt generously sized tires (40 mm and more) possibly with a suspension fork which allows you to tackle descents on dirt roads that are not always as smooth as oil.

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Anyone who wants to undertake the journey independently should not forget the usual repair tools and especially something to clean the chain and gears: dust gets into the gears and makes pedaling difficult. Last but most important tip: bring plenty of food and water with you. When it comes to training, it's a good idea to prepare for long outings that can last up to ten hours a day.

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