The Mystery of the Treasure by Massimo Bochicchio, Suspicions about the VIP Broker's Wife: “What if I get into Trouble?”

The case of Massimo Bochicchio, the “VIP broker” accused of numerous scams involving personalities, especially in the world of sport, and who died in a car accident in 2022 with more than 400 million euros in debt, is enriched with new developments. The preliminary investigation judge in Rome, Daniela Ceramico D'Auria, has ordered the prosecutor to pursue new investigations against the man's wife, Arianna Iacomelli, and her ex-partner Sebastiano Zampa, which must be completed within six months.

Investigations into his wife Arianna Iacomelli

The widow Arianna Iacomelli is at the center of the investigation for alleged money laundering. Two transfers received from her husband have been contested, one of 520 thousand euros on May 18, 2020 and the other of 70 thousand euros on July 8, 2020. According to the magistrate, these payments would have taken place when Bochicchio was already in financial difficulty and aware of his inability to return the capital to investors. Conversations intercepted on Iacomelli's mobile phone suggest that he was aware of the illicit nature of the funds.

“What if I get in trouble?”

One dialogue, in particular, shows the woman complaining about her husband's credit cards, thus highlighting the couple's financial difficulties. “In this situation, are you sure I won't get into trouble? We have things in common…”, is one of the intercepted statements from the woman. In addition, doubts arise about the sales of works of art made by Iacomelli during the same period, the details of the proceeds of which are unclear. To delve deeper into the financial aspect of these financial flows, the investigating judge decided to hear as witnesses the Lebanese Assaf Samir, former CEO of HSBC, and Marzio Perrelli, currently vice-president of Sky Italia and at the time CEO of the Italian branch of the banking giant.

Former partner investigated, charge against brother dismissed

As for Bochicchio's former partner, Sebastiano Zampa, the charge is fraud. The prosecution had initially requested his dismissal from office, considering him an “unsuspecting instrument” in Bochicchio's hands. However, the judge did not accept this interpretation, hypothesizing Zampa's active role in the unreimbursed investments and in the profits obtained from the funds raised through the Kidman and Tiber companies. And he also requested additional information about himself. As for the VIP broker's brother, Tommaso Bochicchio, the request for dismissal was accepted. The judge considered that there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate that she was aware of her brother's illicit activities.

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