On March 8, feminists interrupted the conference at the Capitol: “After Giulia Cecchettin, there were 18 feminicides. Enough!”

Hands stained red and mimosas of the same color thrown on stage to symbolize the women raped and killed. In the International Women's Day, Friday March 8, an independent feminist group “Bruciamo tutto” interrupted the conference “Feminine name sustainability” in the press room of the Protomoteca of the Campidoglio in Rome to draw attention to gender violence. Capitol Equal Opportunity Advisor Monica Lucarelli was in the room for an event. Once on stage, the activists unfurled the banner bearing the words “Let's burn everything, transformative fire”, demanding a “return of freedom, more information and sensitivity”. “We are here – they explained to the agency Say– because March 8 is no longer enough for us. They give us mimosas and talk about gender equality, women and businesses while we are here to cry out our pain. We said never again and since the death of Giulia Cecchettin, there have been 18 femicides. Our protest today – they concluded – was born precisely to draw attention to this tragedy, because this is not how we will change things.”

Cover picture: DIRE AGENCY

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