Smart AgriFood and agri-food

From the countryside to the tables, Made in Italy goes digital. The agri-food industry, one of the key sectors of the Italian economy, is the protagonist of a true technological revolution. Fields and farms are transformed into open-air laboratories: it is precisely here that digital innovation is changing the face of the sector.

Sensors, drones, robot And software avant-garde are just a few examples of how Smart Agri-Food (smart agri-food) represents the application of digital technologies to the entire agri-food chain, from production to final consumption.

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Innovation serving agriculture and beyond: Smart Agri-Food

Agriculture 4.0e Smart Agri-Food they are associated with the use of cutting-edge digital technologies and represent a real revolution in the agricultural sector. Modern agriculture, defined Agriculture 4.0 historically, it is linked to the period of the fourth industrial revolution, from which it also takes its name. It is characterized by the use of advanced technologies and digital processes in the agricultural sector, from sowing to harvest. There Smart agri-food, rather, it represents the application of these technologies to the entire agri-food chainfrom production to the final consumer.

There Smart Agri-Food is characterized by the use of advanced technologies such as IoT (the Internet objects) and AI (artificial intelligence). Sensors, drones, robot And software At the forefront, they optimize irrigation, monitor animal health, control product quality and efficiently manage the production chain. It is also characterized by technologies Blockchain which not only improve efficiency, but also transparency. They guarantee the traceability and safety of food products, from farm to table, protecting consumers and promoting the work of farmers.

According to the Observatory Smart Agri-Food from the Polytechnic of Milan and the University of Brescia (among the main ones at European level) thanks to the use of Smart Agri-Food it would register”reducing the use of resources – water, fertilizer, fodder – and production costs“. Key objective of the new CAP The period 2023-2027, in fact, is precisely the promotion of knowledge and innovation within the sector, fundamental elements to achieve the sustainable objectives of the sector. Agri-food.

The figures of the phenomenon and the start-up active

Observatory data Smart Agri-Food 2023 (referring to 2022) specifies that “the global Agriculture 4.0 market continues to grow at a rate of more than 10%. It is estimated that it will reach a value of around 30 billion by 2027. Signs of growth are also emerging when observing international start-ups dedicated to the subject. There are 500 in the world and Italy is the European country with the largest number of start-ups dedicated to the agri-food sector“.

The United States would confirm itself as the area with the highest population density. start-up active (37%), followed by Europe (30%) and Asia (20%). THE start-up they would deal with various areas, including the provision of technologies or services in the agricultural field, retailer and provision of services in the catering sector. The main area of ​​interest appears to be thee-commerce with companies offering solutions B2c (business to consumer) and solutions Food delivery.

There Smart Agri-Food represents a challenge, but also an opportunity for the future of Made in Italy. An opportunity to increase the competitiveness of the sector, create new jobs and respond to global challenges such as food security and climate change. Digital innovation is already writing the new chapter of Italian agri-fooda future characterized by sustainability, efficiency and quality.

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