30 years since the deaths of Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin, initiatives not to be forgotten

Initiatives for the thirtieth anniversary of the assassination of were presented to the Chamber of Deputies Ilaria Alpi And Miran Hrovatinkilled in Mogadishu, Somalia, on March 20, 1994. The aim of these initiatives is to revive the commitment not to drop the case, to relaunch the battle for truth and justice, to give impetus to new investigations opened by the Rome Public Prosecutor's Office and to protect investigative journalism.

Participating were “We do not archive”, the Fnsi, Usigrai, the Association of Journalists, Article 21 and Walter Verini, group leader of the Democratic Party at the Anti-Mafia commission.

The commemoration will take place in the Hemicycle on the 20th at 4:15 p.m., as established by the conference of leaders of the Montecitorio group.

At the linguistic high school Tito Lucrezio Caro from Rome, via Venezuela 30, the school where Ilaria studied, at 10:30 a.m. mural created by artist Alessandra Chicarella dedicated to the two journalists who tragically disappeared. For the occasion, some panels from the exhibition “Sometimes your voice reminds me” by Paola Gennari Santori dedicated to the personal world of Ilaria Alpi and made available by the Paolo Murialdi Foundation.

The figures of the two columnists will also be remembered National Central Library of Rome From 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. there will be a seminar entitled “Voices of Courage” dedicated to Ilaria, Miran and the journalists killed during the war (Marco Luchetta, Dario D'Angelo, Andy Rocchelli, Alessandro Sasa Ota, Enzo Baldoni, Simone Camilli). .

Parma don't forget

In Parma, where the last member of the journalist's family resides, after the death of her parents who, until the end, did everything to shed light on the death of their only daughter, the initiatives began on March 16 . On the 20th, an initiative entitled “Ilaria Alpi and investigative journalism” is planned at the Governor's Palace and in the evening at 8:45 p.m. at the Sala Scenografia theater the show with Ottavia Piccolo “Lo disgust. Non-Random Murder of Ilaria Alpi.” In 2009, the city dedicated an international library to the journalist in the San Paolo complex.

Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin Rai

Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin

Trieste, home of Miran

In Trieste, Miran Hrovatin's hometown, a film retraces his life. It will be screened on March 20 at 5 p.m. at the theater of the old psychiatric hospital, inside San Giovanni Park, during an event organized by Videoest in collaboration with Casa del Cinema. Videoest, Miran's production company, together with his wife, son and friends, tells the story of the man, his passions, the curiosity and the desire to live that distinguished him in the film.

“We wanted to remember him like this – reports a note from Videoest – also in the title of this film, taken from a postcard he sent from one of the many theaters of war, where he wrote, almost as if on vacation, “Greetings from this place on postcard! Miran'”. The video will also be shown in Milan, at the Teatro della Cooperativa, from March 19 to 24. It will also be broadcast on Rai3bis on Wednesday March 20 at 9:55 p.m.

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