Women give more and are active in the solidarity world

Solidarity is feminine. Word of solidarity, which contains within it generosity and the desire to help those in need. According to the 2023 “We donate” report, carried out by the Italian Donation Institute, 52% of Italian donors have the face of a woman, 48% that of a man. Women, with 75%, they constitute the backbone of the world of the third sector and non-profit organizations. They are there to support those in need, raise funds and promote solidarity campaigns.

Solidarity Testament Committee Credits Danilo Garcia Di Meo

Solidarity Testament Committee

But there is more. More and more women are deciding to leave their assets to charity in their will. The photo is taken by Solidarity Testament Committee among the 28 non-profit organizations. 62% of women choose solidarity inheritance, a way of leaving a trace of oneself after death. “What we have been saying and explaining for ten years with the Solidarity Testament Committee – he explains Rossano Bartoli, spokesperson for the Solidarity Testament Committee and president of the Lega del Filo d'Oroit's just this: a legacy of solidarity is a gesture accessible to all and it is not necessary to have significant assets or a privileged social position to decide to leave a small inheritance in favor of a charitable cause.

Testament of Women (Pixabay) pixabay

Testament of Women (Pixabay)

Extraordinary examples

Lina Cavalieriopera singer from the beginning of the 20th century, named his son Alessandro as universal heir in his will, but “with the sole task of paying to the Royal Academy of Santa Cecilia in Rome one hundred thousand lire for the creation of a scholarship of song for a young girl who needs the province of Rome”.

Marlene Engelhorn, a thirty-one-year-old Austrian multimillionaire, descendant of Friedrich Engelhorn, founder of BASF, one of the largest chemical companies in the world. He sets up a democratic committee to decide how to redistribute part of the inherited fortune, so that it benefits the community.

Melinda Gates Wikipedia

Melinda Gates

Melinda Gatesalong with her ex-husband Bill Gates, have given much of their wealth to charitable causes through their Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Solidarity testament, the instant book "Leave a trace" Solidarity Testament Committee

Solidarity testament, the instant book “Leave a trace”

Where to get information

On the site www.testamentosolidale.org it is possible to have a 360-degree overview of the projects and initiatives carried out by the non-profit associations which adhere to the Solidarity Testament Committee and to download the information on Guide to solidarity legacies.

Signing the will - generic image Pixabay

Signing the will – generic image

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