With Sport&Salute the call 'A step against violence'

Sport et Santé renews the call “A step against violence” and will offer a conference on Monday entitled “Let’s change the rules”. This will be a meeting on women's empowerment in sport to raise awareness of violence against women, while providing practical tools and support to victims of abuse. All this in the wake of the initiatives for Women's Day. The round table will focus on sport, its values ​​and the promotion of cultural change to stem gender-based violence. The conference is organized by Differenza Donna, a leading association in this field and manager of the free number 1522 against violence and harassment, which won the call for tenders promoted and financed to the tune of €15,000 by Sport and Health, “A step against violence”. . An initiative which will be renewed from 2022, symbolically announced every November 25, World Day Against Violence Against Women, and intended for non-profit associations and non-profit organizations operating in the third sector, representing a opportunity for redemption, inclusion and recovery of confidence for victims of violence.

Participating in Monday's conference will be, among others, Raffaella Passoni, head of the “Elena Gianini Belotti” anti-violence center managed by the Differenza Donna association, Chiara Virginia Cacchi, responsible for managing the training of Sport and Health staff, Manuela Benelli, coach and technical director of the Volley Academy Ravenna, Manuel Onorati, president of Cus Roma Tor Vergata, and Flavia Landolina, athlete of the Italian national canoe polo team and current Italian vice-champion and operator of Differenza Donna.

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