“With self-hypnosis, you study better: I have nine diplomas”

Giorgio Martini owns a pharmacy in Cembra, in the province of Trento. And nine degrees. He managed to achieve them, he explains today in an interview with Free, with a particular technique: self-hypnosis. He is now aiming to obtain his tenth degree. “I approached hypnosis because my mother had excruciating pain in her knees. If I gave her too much morphine, she was no longer reasonable, if I gave her too little, she was sick. Hypnosis can relieve a patient of a certain type of pain, where anti-inflammatories are not used. From there I moved on to sports hypnosis and realized that it gives a noticeable increase in concentration.”

The study and external contributions

Martini says he realized “that I could achieve an improvement in the quality of the study by storing more data. When studying, there are often external inputs, noises, or even the thought of the bill to be paid that are distracting. And then we end up rereading the same line several times, but without memorizing it.” And again: “Thanks to hypnosis, I can immediately enter the study phase and concentrate: I have no external distractions which delay the learning phase. However, I must also admit that I am a former Navy officer and that part of my mental behavior comes from discipline.” Martini attended the Franco Gravone Institute in Turin, the experimental hypnosis center run by Professor Edoardo Casiglia.

The anchoring technique

Martini explains that “a person is sent into deep hypnosis and the “anchoring technique” is practiced which will allow him, where, when and if he wishes, through a simple command which can be the union of the index finger with the thumb, to relive these same sensations. » And it works like this: “Think about a series of colors (red, orange, yellow, green and blue), then try to immerse the mind in indigo, joining the famous thumbs and index fingers of both hands, inhaling deeply three times in a row and then thinking about the color violet, therefore returning to the original tones, but thinking about them in scale (from blue to red), you should already achieve a perspective of greater concentration, especially on subjects easily hypno-reducible”.

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