Where did Vincenzo Coviello go? The former banker who spied on personalities and politicians is no longer seen in Bitonto

According to “Corriere”, the 52-year-old man is no longer at home. And in the meantime the prosecution is working on electronic devices

Vincenzo Coviello, the 52-year-old former banker under investigation for spying on the bank accounts and credit cards of dozens of politicians and entertainment figures, has disappeared into thin air. According to the Corriere della Serathe former employee of Intesa San Paolo is no longer at home in Bitonto and no one has seen him in the town for a week. In the apartment, writes journalist Mauro Denigris, there seems to be no one there and the telephone in his accounting office rings empty. “He came every day to buy it Corriere della Sera And Il Sole 24 Orebut we haven’t seen him for days,” says his trusted newsagent.

The prosecutor's investigation

In all likelihood, Coviello is trying to evade journalists and spectators, at least until interest in the story wanes. The 52-year-old is under investigation by the Bari Public Prosecutor's Office for unauthorized access to computer systems and attempting to obtain information regarding state security. According to what was reconstructed during the investigation, Coviello allegedly made 6,637 unauthorized accesses to Intesa San Paolo customers. Among the thousands of victims are politicians (Giorgia Meloni, Ignazio La Russa, Matteo Renzi, Enrico Letta, Giuseppe Conte) but also sports and entertainment personalities (Francesco Totti, Al Bano, Carlo Verdone).

Electronic Device Consultations

Coviello assures that he acted alone and moved by simple curiosity. But according to the prosecution, it is likely that another person is involved, that is to say the possible instigator of the unauthorized access and recipient of the information obtained. The advice of the Bari public prosecutor's office on the computer devices seized in Coviello, entrusted to IT consultants Raffaele Colaianni and Davide Carnevale, could shed light on the question. The two professionals will be responsible for studying unauthorized access to the bank's computer system and verifying whether Coviello downloaded the confidential data he consulted and whether he retained and/or transferred them to third parties. The investigation will therefore also have to determine whether Coviello had accomplices to whom he gave the confidential information.

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