What to do at Easter in Brescia and surrounding areas

In Brescia, the novel Old Cathedral it houses a thousand-year-old treasure which is only revealed to the city twice a year. And the Treasure of the Holy Crosses, a collection of sacred relics and extremely precious masterpieces of goldsmithing enclosed in the Chapel of the Holy Crosses, which will be exhibited in the cathedral on March 22, that is to say the last Friday of Lent. This is just one of the many traditions and masterpieces of art and faith to discover in Brescia and its surroundings during the Easter period.

What to do at Easter in Brescia and its province

Art treasures and Via Crucis

The treasure of the Holy Crosses in the ancient cathedral of Brescia

Mentioned for the first time in 1251, entrusted to the care of the Company of Custodians of the Holy Cross, a chivalrous order founded in 1520, the Treasury includes the relic of the True Cross of Christ, which, according to tradition, was offered to the city by Duke Namo of Bavaria, who had received it directly from Charlemagne.

The legend is illustrated by the painting by Antonio Gandino found in the Chapel of the Holy Crosses. The relic of the True Cross is the most precious piece of the Treasury of the Holy Crosses, with its silver and gold reliquary with enamels and precious stones.

Old Cathedral of Brescia  Old Cathedral of Brescia
The old cathedral of Brescia

The sanctuary of the Via Crucis in Cerveno

Following the trail of masterpieces of art linked to the mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ, we head to small village of CervenoIn Camonica Valley, where is the Sanctuary of the Via Crucis which can today be admired in all its splendor thanks to the recently completed restoration work.

The Sanctuary is part of the Lombard-Piedmontese tradition of Sacri Monti. The 14 Stations of the Cross are arranged along a stepped corridor which culminates at the top with the Chapel of the Deposition.

They recount the Passion of Christ with frescoes and 198 statues in life-size wood and stucco made largely by the sculptor Beniamino Simoni. The work lasted more than a century, from the mid-18th to the mid-19th century.

Every ten years, in the month of May, the inhabitants of Cerveno organize the Santa Crus, a living sacred representation of the Passion with more than 100 participants, inspired by the sculptures of Beniamino Simoni. The next edition is planned May 26 and the June 2.

The particularity of this tradition is that it is linked to the ancient Feast of the Cross, which took place on May 3, and not to Easter.

The photographs, accessories and clothing used during the Santa Crus they can be seen at the Civic Museum, where there is also an ethnographic collection.

Cerveno and the Via Crucis Cerveno and the Via Crucis
The sculptures of the Via Crucis sanctuary. Rapuzzi

The Living Way of the Cross of Ome

Instead, it takes place on Good Friday, March 29. Living Stations of the Cross Of Omein Franciacorta, with around a hundred people disguised.

Sacred representation has ancient origins, rediscovered and valued by the Alpini Group when it was in danger of disappearing, today it involves the entire country.

It opens with the reenactment of the Last Supper and ends at Colle San Michele, winding along a route of approximately one kilometer marked by the Stations of the Cross.

Cerveno Sanctuary of the Via CrucisCerveno Sanctuary of the Via Crucis
The Sanctuary of the Via Crucis, recently restored

Holidays and festivals

The Spongada fair in Breno

The typical dessert of Valle Camonica is linked to Easter: the Spongadaa delicious focaccia coated with sugar that the Palm SundayTHE March 24is celebrated with the Father of Spongada has Breno.

You must first taste the Spongada with salami, a local variation, and tour the stands in the main square offering typical products. But also go up to Breno Castlewhich dominates the village and enjoys spectacular views of the surrounding mountains.

Built during the time of Frederick I Barbarossa, it was transformed during the reign of the Republic of Venice. To see are the crenellated walls, the stately tower house, the 20 meter tower open to visitors, the remains of the church of San Michele of Lombard origin.

Breno Castle. iStock

The S-Ciapì Festival in Pieve di Tremosine

Colorful boiled eggs are the protagonists of Easter Sunday Parish Church of Tremosine, on Lake Garda, where S-Ciapi Festival. A fun game and an ancient popular tradition that involves locals and tourists of the splendid village, famous for its breathtaking view of the lake.

Pieve di Tremosine, a terrace with views of Garda. iStock

The Monte Isola Salami Festival

HAS Pisogneon the Lake Iseo, on April 1st we will be on the square for Oh, well and salam nostrathe typical Easter Monday snack made with local salami, hard-boiled eggs and boch, a seasonal vegetable.

Also on Lake Iseo, the April 6 and 7, you can participate in another traditional spring festival: the Monte Isola Salami Festival, which takes place in the village of Care.

The program includes a local farmers' market, music and a guided walk to the sanctuary of the Madonna della Ceriola, symbol of the wonderful island in the center of the lake.

Vittoriale Italiani Gardone RivieraVittoriale Italiani Gardone Riviera
The Vittoriale degli Italiani in Gardone Riviera

Treasure hunts and gardens

Easter Monday returns across Italy Botanical Treasure Hunt, the traditional event dedicated to children, promoted by Great Italian Gardens in more than 40 wonderful botanical oases, from Trentino-Alto Adige to Sicily.

In the province of Brescia they open their doors to families Vittoriale of the Italians, the house of Gabriele D'Annunzio a Gardone Riviera on Lake Garda and the 15th century Fortress of Lonato del Garda which combines the treasure hunt with many other activities for adults and children.

Fairy tales, shows, workshops, picnics in the grass and, for adults, visits to the Ornithological Museum, to the exhibition dedicated to the views of Rome by the photographer Gabriele Basilico and the engraver Giambattista Piranesi, installed in the Casa du Sixteenth century. of the Captain, and the exhibition Nino Ferrari. The art of metal between tradition and modernity at the Podestà House Museum.

The egg hunt at the Zani House Museum

Guaranteed fun for everyone too Zani House Museum in Cellatica, which, on Easter Monday, invites you to discover the magnificent garden with the Egg hunt.

Inside the residence, in addition to the collections of the collector Paolo Zani, you can visit the exhibitions Red raincoatOr, dedicated to Egyptian porphyry, e Red fashion, centered on nine vermilion-colored sculpture dresses by designer Roberto Capucci.

Zani Foundation MuseumZani Foundation House Museum
The garden and the House Museum of the Zani Foundation

Easter Monday excursions in the province of Brescia

Other ideas for the traditional Easter Monday outing? There Rocca d'Anfo, the largest Napoleonic fortress in Italy which rises above the Lake Idroin Val Sabbia, and can be visited by choosing between two guided routes: the “Napoleonic Route” for trekking enthusiasts and the “Route of the Serenissima in the Kingdom of Italy”, also suitable for families.

Easter weekend on Lake Garda reopens for visits Paper Museum Of Toscolano Maderno At the heart of Paper Mill Valleyan important center of paper production from the Middle Ages to the 20th century and today one of the most important industrial archaeological sites in Italy.

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Another perfect destination for Easter Monday is Padernello Castlea 15th-century manor house surrounded by water in lower Bresciana, which welcomes visitors to its ancient rooms with period furniture and works of art.

READ ALSO: 15 villages with castles among the most beautiful in Italy

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