Vinicio Capossela at the Trianon theater in Naples

Like a tightrope walker of notes and words, the singer-songwriter accompanies the Neapolitan public on a journey to the origins of the “music of absence”, which unites all the cultures of the Mediterranean (and beyond). With Pucundries and other absences, a concert of emotions awaits you. Get ready

Vinicio Capossela © Jean-Philippe Pernot

March 16 Vinicio Capossela will pay tribute to Naples and on his music with the concert Pucundries and other absenceswhich is part of the music festival The world stops in Naples, playing this season at the historic theater Trianon Viviani under the artistic direction of Marisa Laurito.

Like a tightrope walker of notes and words, the singer-songwriter, writer and storyteller, will recount for the occasion the many variations of “pucundre“Neapolitan, an almost untranslatable term except with a word like “melancholy”, capable of “summarizing in itself the ambiguity of being both poison and medicine” explains the artist in the introduction to the exhibition “The Demon of melancholy has several of the names in the music of absence in which it nestles: Dalkas in rebetiko, duende to flamenco, blue in African-American music. Maybe that's all that's implied pucundre», concludes the composer, rewarded five times by the Tenco license plate. His last masterpiece was almost a year ago: Thirteen urgent songstwelfth album produced by La Cùpa and distributed by Warner Music, winner as The best album of all time of 2023.

READ ALSO: Naples: what to see and what to do

Freshly awarded, among the many distinctions, the honorary master's degree in “Languages ​​and intercultural communication in the Euro-Mediterranean area” awarded on September 26 by the University of Naples L'Orientale, Vinicio Capossela seems to have prepared himself for the date of the Neapolitan show with a sort of personal investigation into the most poignant sounds of Neapolitan song, shared between feelings of love, absence, pain and nostalgia. Nostalgia for a love, a street, a neighborhood or even “a life that has not been lived”.

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Its mission is to accompany the Neapolitan public on a profound journey to the origins of music. And about himself.

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