Vatican warehouse worker found selling stolen watch online: 5 thousand euros in cash and other suspicious items found at home

A Vatican employee is under investigation for receiving stolen property. He is accused of attempting to resell a stolen watch online. The rapid investigation was carried out by the Italian police and the Vatican gendarmerie. The case arose after police recognized in an online sales ad the watch had been stolen from the home, along with other items, of a Roman citizen who had filed a theft complaint. The agents began the undercover operation: they contacted the seller pretending to be interested in purchasing the watch and set up a meeting. A 54-year-old man showed up for the meeting with a car registered by Vatican City: he is a warehouse worker. The police managed to verify that the watch in question was indeed the one that had been stolen and searched the 54-year-old man's house. Several high-value watches were found there, as well as materials certifying the product warranty and the price tags of the watches, all of which were seized. In addition, a large sum of money, around 5,000 euros, hidden in the various rooms, was also seized. Other valuables were also found in the suspect's office. He is currently at large.

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