Ukraine, telephone conversation between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin

It began at 9:35 p.m. Italian time (3:35 p.m. American time, 11:35 p.m. in Moscow) and ended fifty minutes after the telephone conversation between the American and Russian presidents, Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin, on the Ukrainian question. This is what the White House announced. This is the second confrontation between the two leaders since the beginning of the month, this time it was the Kremlin who asked for it. The first summit, by videoconference, was held on December 7. Previously, Washington intelligence had launched thealert on a possible military offensive from Moscow in early 2022.

Ukraine will be at the center of crucial discussions which will open in Geneva on January 10 in three different venues: the bilateral negotiations between the United States and Russia, followed by the NATO-Russia council and the OSCE meeting. Meanwhile, Moscow has published a list of demands addressed to NATO and the United States for the guarantees it considers necessary for its security, starting with limiting the role of the Atlantic Alliance throughout the former Soviet space.

“I am convinced that we can move forward And establish an effective Russian-American dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other's national interests,” Putin said in his congratulatory message to the US president. “Russia has put its concerns on the table and we are ready to discuss it“We hope that Moscow will also be ready to discuss ours and those of our allies, on the basis of reciprocity,” explained a senior White House official.

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