Two Italians win European mathematics Oscar

The European Congress of Mathematics which opened its doors today in Spain, in Seville, crowned two Italians among the ten winners of the most important European prize in mathematics: a kind of Oscar for this discipline.

Italy also wins another recognition: Bologna has been selected to host the next congress, scheduled for 2028. Organized every four years by the European Mathematical Society (EMS), The congress is the second largest mathematical event in the world and opened with the presentation of these prizes, which are among the most coveted awards in Europe in this field.

The two Italian winners of the The Ems prizes, worth 5 thousand euros, are: Cristiana De Filippis, 31 years old, born in Bari and professor at the University of Parma, e Maria Colombo, 35 years old, born in Luino (Varese) and professor at the Polytechnic School of Lausanne.

Considered by Forbes magazine as one of the 100 successful Italian women of 2023, Cristina De Filippis, According to the American Mathematical Society database, it also falls between the most cited people in the world of mathematics of his generation.

In Seville she was awarded for “outstanding contributions” At Theory of elliptic regularity. This recognition adds to the long series of awards received to date, such as the G-Research Prize received at Oxford in 2019 and the Iapichino Prize from the Accademia dei Lincei in 2020.

Colombo, however, was rewarded for his innovative contributions to incompressible fluid dynamics, transport equations and the calculus of variations” She also has a long list of awards to her credit, such as the Iciam Collatz Prize and the Peter Lax Prize. Established in 1992, The Ems Prize is considered the “antechamber to the Nobel Prize” of mathematics.the Fields Medal and has so far been awarded to 13 women.

THE There were a total of six Italian winners: besides De Filippis and Colombo, the winners were Guido De Philippis (2016), Alessio Figalli and Corinna Ulcigrai (2012) and Stefano Bianchini (2004).

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