They seized at least 10 million euros from Marcello Dell'Utri

Goods worth more than 10 million euros were seized from Marcello Dell'Utri: the measure was ordered by the Florence investigating judge and the Florence anti-mafia prosecutor's office. According to the prosecution, Dell'Utri, found guilty of external complicity in a mafia-type association, should have communicated, according to the Rognoni Latorre law, the evolution of his income for an amount greater than 42 and a half million. Having failed to do so, a preventive seizure was triggered. The more than 42 million undeclared, according to the prosecution, are the transfers that Silvio Berlusconi, then head of Forza Italia, paid to Dell'Utri once convicted with a final decision, following the judgment of the Court of Cassation of May 9, 2014, and filed on July 1, 2014, for the offense of external complicity in the offense of mafia-type association. It should be clarified that this is not the 30 million that Cav left to the former senator.

“Modification of omitted assets”

According to a note from the DDA, signed by prosecutor Filippo Spiezia, the former senator would not have “communicated, within the deadlines set by law, the changes in assets for a total amount of 42,679,200 euros”. The investigating judge's provision orders “preventive seizure in direct form, for the sum of 10,840,451.72 euros attributable to Marcello Dell'Utri, as well as, for the share of 8,250,000.00 euros of the total sum indicated above (42,679,200 euros, ed.), also indirectly attributable to the above, through Miranda Anna Ratti, or by equivalent on the assets in direct and indirect availability of Marcello Dell'Utri”. investigation during which the precautionary measure was pronounced “is part of a criminal procedure which is the subject of a broader investigation coordination, carried out, at national level, by the National Anti-Mafia Directorate, aimed at identifying the external instigators of the continental massacres of 1993-1994″. “Various investigations have been carried out into financial flows involving Marcello Dell'Utri since 2014 until today. From what has emerged so far, the latter, although obliged to do so, since he was convicted by final decision, following the judgment of the Court of Cassation of May 9, 2014, for the offense of external complicity in the crime of mafia-type association, did not communicate, within the time limits set by law, the changes in assets indicated in art. 30 of Law n.646/1982 for the amount indicated above, as redetermined by the preliminary investigating judge”, reports the press release.

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