“There were transsexuals spitting infected blood,” storms Northern League advisor Samuele Piscina. The Democratic Party: “Apologize or Resign” – Video

“In Via Mosso there were transsexuals spitting infected blood at the police.” The sentences uttered by Samuele Piscina, a League city councilor in Milan, sparked a political storm. The local representative of Carroccio, who also holds the position of provincial secretary of the League, commented during a meeting of the municipal council on the events that have occurred in recent days in via Padova, where there have been some scuffles between the police and the demonstrators. social centers. Carlo Monguzzi, center-left councilor, defined the Via Padova district as “a model of integration”. Comments to which Samuele Piscina responded as follows: “Considering the Via Padova as a model of integration is an aberrant mystification of reality. In via Mosso, an administration led by the League and the center-right wanted a gate which had to be imposed, because there were transsexuals spitting infected blood at the police. That's what happened. There was drug trafficking and prostitution. »

Democratic Party outrage

The remarks of the Northern League councilor aroused the anger of certain advisors of the majority, Michele Albani – member of the Democratic Party and LGBTQ + activist – shouting in the hemicycle: “You are rubbish, shame on you!”. The next day, Albani himself returned to the subject to demand an apology from Piscina. “Our city – declared the Democratic councilor in a note – does not deserve to be administered, even if it is in opposition, by anyone who thinks such a thing, much less declares it to the Council. Samuele Piscina apologizes publicly or we will ask for his resignation.” According to Albani, the transphobic remarks of the Northern League councilor would only demonstrate “once again the cultural and human backwardness of the League”.

The Piscina replica

Finally, it was Piscina himself who returned to the episode that occurred at the town hall and responded to the accusations of homophobia and transphobia. “I have never been homophobic in my life and it is an insult to me to suggest this with statements full of lies,” says the Lega municipal councilor. The reference, Piscina then explains, “was to a single episode that actually happened before my eyes, in 2016, before we canceled it, when a transsexual South American citizen, who was prostituted on the corner of via Mosso , was also recently arrested for lewd acts in a public place outside a school, he cut himself with a glass bottle, spitting blood at police officers and shouting that he was HIV positive to scare them away . No intention of apologizing, therefore. Indeed, Samuele Piscina counterattacks: “From the left, we only seek to divert the embarrassment of the presence of two advisors from the majority in the clashes against the police.”

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