The whole story of Antonella Viola and her husband buying a house for a family: “And the union took the credit”

They are Nadir Haddadh and Asma Fneiach, the couple of Tunisian citizens for whom immunologist Antonella Viola bought a house. According to the story, no one in Padua was willing to rent it to them and they were forced to live in their car. Then Viola and her husband Marco Cattalini arrived. But one article gave credit to Fillea Cgil, Caritas and Avvocati di Strada. Today Asma tells the true story of the house The imprint: “We have two children, a fixed salary at the end of the month. We were two citizens looking for a house to rent,” he added. She and her husband looked for a house for 7 months, but despite the permanent contract no one wanted to rent it to two foreigners: ” They even gave us back an advance of 700 euros. When we asked why, the real estate agent told us that the owner didn't want strangers in his house.”

The hotel costs 70 euros per night

The four had found accommodation in a hotel for 70 euros a night. But in the end they were unable to pay: hence the decision to sleep in the car in the Sacré-Cœur district of Padua. Even if Nadir earns 1,600 euros per month. “Antonella and her husband hosted us in their home for a month and ten days. Then they bought a house in Piazzola sul Brenta and rented it to us. They are two extraordinary people,” says Asma. Viola told the newspaper that she doesn't like her private life being made public: “I wanted privacy to protect me and my family.” And she adds that she too had distrust: “But it was enough to meet, to look into each other's eyes, to exchange a few words to understand that everything would be fine and that this experience would bring joy and beauty In our lifes. And that’s how it was.”

CGIL and Caritas

“This is why I don't think there is anything exceptional in what my husband and I did: it was enough to lower our defenses for it to be normal, to recognize us as similar in needs and hopes, in fears but also in love”, she concludes. But let us first remember that “an association took credit for the rescue”. The CGIL then apologized to Viola, attributing her message to a communication error, in which she wanted to explain the fact that the Fillea CGIL had also been interested in the matter.

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