The votes of the M5 and Terzo Polo: this is how the center-right won in Abruzzo

317 thousand votes, or about 18 thousand votes more than in the 2022 political elections. While the opponents stop at 263 thousand. Down from 290,000 two years ago, when they operated separately. For the center-right, the victory in Abruzzo does not only mean a sigh of relief compared to Sardinia. But there is a capacity to attract votes fleeing the 5 Star Movement and the Third Pole. These are Action, Italia Viva and +Europa. Thus, while Elly Schlein is forced to renew her confidence in Campo Largissimo in the twilight, Giorgia Meloni can rejoice in Palazzo Chigi: no shock for the government since the regional elections, where the coalition demonstrated that it still knew earn. And Matteo Salvini is clearly in difficulty, which does not bother the Prime Minister at all.

Voting flows

Today the Corriere della Sera publishes an analysis of the incoming and outgoing vote flows of the two coalitions. Warning that on Sunday the drop in participation also had an impact, which is precisely what the center-left and its candidate Luciano D'Amico were counting on. “The center-left has lost pieces,” Salvatore Vassallo, of the Cattaneo Institute, explains to the newspaper. Not only because of the traditional decline of the M5 in regional elections. Also and especially for the other components of the center-left who looked to the right. Perhaps precisely because of the unity candidate and the Campo Largissimo. “The main suspects are Azione and Italia Viva,” warns the expert. And Antonio Noto's exit poll data broadcast on Rete8 also confirms it: Marsilio not only managed to retain a large part of the 2022 voters. He also attracted 10% of those who had voted for the Grillini two years ago.

M5 and third pole

And 15% of former voters of Action, Italia Viva and +Europa. The loot is estimated at around 20 thousand votes. Which, in a victory obtained by 55,000 people, cannot fail to be weighed. The Brothers of Italy then confirmed themselves as the most voted party in the region: 140,000 preferences, 100,000 more than in 2019 (but it was another era: that of Salvini's rise), with 33,000 votes less than in the general elections but due to competition from Marsilio's list. And almost double the votes of the League. Finally, the geographical data that emerges from the Youtrend maps: Marsilio won in L'Aquila and Chieti, while D'Amico won more votes in Pescara and Teramo. The surprise is that it was the province that overturned the result: D'Amico actually won the city preference race by a whisker. A figure which confirms that the strength of the center right lies above all in small towns.

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