The UN signs a Compact for the Future

Give a concrete definition of the challenges that the international community will have to face in the current era: this is the objective thatUN was fixed by signing the new “Pact for the future”. It is a 42-page document that addresses a large number of topics: among these peace, security, but also the achievement of sustainable development, the fight against climate change and much more. Furthermore, an important stage of the program concerns the enlargement of the Security Council. In fact, this measure is supported especially by African countries, with the aim of increasing the scope of representativeness of the UN in deliberations on questions of war and peace.

The Pact for the Future: a far-sighted program to face new challenges

“A pact negotiated at the intergovernmental level and oriented towards action: this is how the UN website presents the “Pact for the Future”, approved during the last summit which was held in New York on September 22 and 23. Signed by 143 countries, including Italy, it is the largest international agreement signed in recent years. In fact, it also includes a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on future generationscontemplating the gods new topics in this international forum.

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After all, adapting international cooperation activities to a constantly changing world is a goal that the UN has been pursuing for several years. Global society has undergone changes in recent decades that were unimaginable at the time of the birth of this institution. In this sense, the Pact for the Future is placed in the orbit of another major global agreement, theSustainable development agenda for 2030which 193 United Nations countries signed in 2015.

The goals of the UN: from peace to digital cooperation

Among the main themes covered in the document are, First of allpeace and security. In this context, an important aspect to address is the reform of the UN Security Council, to remedy the fact that African countries are represented in a minority manner. In addition, other strengths of the program are the hope of eliminate nuclear arsenals and combat the inappropriate use of new war technologieslike weapons that strike targets without human intervention.

However, there are also other notable goals, such as sustainable development: in this regard, the UN highlights the need to combat climate changehelping countries invest in renewable energy. In addition, a large place is given to “digital cooperation”, supporting the right of every individual, school or hospital to have access to Internet. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of ensuring that the canvas a secure space for everyone, especially for minors.

The UN and the importance of future generations

In the UN document, for the first time, there is also a Declaration on future generations. It affirms the need to involve new generations in decision-making processes, through possible introduction of a new figure: the envoy for future generations. The objective is to increasingly enrich multilateralism, the founding foundation of the United Nations, understood as the sharing of decisions.

In 2028, we will discuss the progress of each point: in fact, with the Pact for the Future, the UN seeks to lay the foundations for managing global balances. The issue is not only peace and security, but also the very idea of ​​shared political power.

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