The story of the old woman arrested by the police at 1 a.m., the surprise on the documents: she is 103 years old. He was driving without a license or insurance

Last Monday, shortly after 1 a.m., a man called police in Bondeno, Ferrara province, to report a car he said was driving dangerously. When the carabinieri arrived on scene, says Resto del Carlino, they spotted the car driven by an elderly woman. But what the military could never have imagined was that the woman behind the wheel was born in 1920. At 103, the woman said she got into the car because she wanted to join some of her friends. At this late hour, the old woman would have lost her orientation and continued to wander the same streets and with driving that was anything but cautious. But the surprises do not stop there. Police continued their checks and discovered that the woman was driving the car with a license that expired two years ago, when she was 101 years old. Additionally, the car was not covered by insurance. There was nothing that could be done for the old woman: the fine was imposed, accompanied by the seizure of the car, taken away by the tow truck which also accompanied the woman home safely.

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