The story of Soumahoro's mother-in-law who left for Belgium “with suitcases full of money”

As the preliminary hearing for fraudulent bankruptcy opens today in Latina against Liliane Murekatete and Marie Thérèse Mukamitsindo, companion and “mother-in-law” of MP Aboubakar Soumahoro, The truth recounts the trial phase of the trial for tax crimes. In which emerges the story of alleged briefcases full of money transported to Brussels from Latina. A former worker at the Karibu cooperative tells it. Doriana M. tells the investigators who listen to her on February 22, 2023: “During the period when I was employed at Karibu, it was said that Mukamitsindo went to Brussels with briefcases. One day, Rudolf W., an employee of Karibu, told me that Mukamitsindo was going to Brussels with cash.”

Cash in Brussels

The story continues: “Subsequently, I learned that this was public knowledge within the administrative office, particularly from Simona D.. I also believe that due to the privileged relationship that this William maintained, he too was aware of such money transfers. because since 2017, he was the one responsible for delivering the cash for pocket money.” Liliane said that she owns three apartments in Belgium. The witness will be called to confirm these statements at the trial. In the meantime, the investigation could take another direction for this reason. Olaf, who investigates fraud in Belgium, is investigating the use of European funds by the cooperative.

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