the spring festival with gastronomy, wine and culture Dove Viaggi

THE March 16 and 17 In Francecorta Spring is celebrated with events dedicated to discovering the assets of the territory of the province of Brescia: gastronomy, wine and cultural heritage.

The Spring Festival in Franciacorta

Spring Festival: gastronomy and culture in Franciacorta the title of the event which opens with a conference title Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications: network logics as opportunities for territorial developmentTHE March 15 at the Salone Vanvitelliano in Piazza della Loggia in Brescia, then continues with tastings, lunches and dinners created jointly by local restaurateurs and renowned chefs from across Italy. AND guided tours In three jewels of the territory, enriched by the history of teachers and academics of theTreccani Academy.

READ ALSO : Franciacorta: villages, castles, walks and bubbles. Discover the hills of Brescia to the fullest

 Francecorta Francecorta
The vineyards of Franciacorta in spring

Guided tours

THE monastery of San Pietro in Lamosafounded in the 11th century, which dominates the extent of Sebino peatlandsSaturday 16, at 10:30 a.m., opens the doors for an exclusive visit, enriched with an intervention from Francesca Capellaroengineer and environmental researcher, titled Sustainability and resilience: for a new gastronomic and oenological culture.

In the afternoon we move on to Convent of Annonciata Of Rovatoanother splendid sacred architecture overlooking the vineyards, composed of the church, the convent and the cloister, which houses Gastronomy, wine and territory: rituals and traditions, a meeting with the teacher, the journalist and the writer Christian Raimo.

Finally, we enter the House Museum of the Paolo and Carolina Zani Foundation, at Cellatica: a collection of more than one thousand two hundred works including paintings (including masterpieces by Canaletto, Tiepolo, Guardi, Longhi and Boucher), sculptures, baroque and rococo furniture, objects of applied art .

Here, the visit will be enriched by a speech on the relationship between art and gastronomy by Nicolas Péroullo, philosopher and essayist, professor of aesthetics at the University of Pollenzo (Sunday 17 at 10 a.m.).

READ ALSO : Franciacorta: cellars to visit. Between art collections, picnics and sensory tastings

 Francecorta Francecorta

Four-handed dinners and tastings

Among the chefs arriving in Franciacorta to collaborate with the best restaurants in the region, Umberto De Martino1 Michelin star, who will be the guest of Restaurant Carlo Magno on the hills of Collebato; that of Bergamo Andrea Mainardi with dinner at Joist Farm at the Corte Franca; Massimiliano Martino of the Osteria More e Macine des Langhe which will be located in Colmetto, a farm of Rodengo Saiano.

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There will be cellar visits with tastings and… Franciacorta Consortium has Erbusco visitors will be able to test their knowledge of Franciacorta and try to recognize its typical olfactory notes by participating in the “Aroma Game” from Good Senses, an Italian company specializing in sensory analysis.

Full program of events and information on:

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