The pursuit of happiness

Created in 2012 by the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), the March 20th of each year occurs the World Laughter Day, there International Day of Happiness. An event which, through educational activities to raise public awareness and moments of awareness, aims to celebrate happiness in all its forms.

At a particular time of the year, the spring equinox which marks the blossoming and rebirth of nature, we try to put the happiness first promote positive approaches to people’s well-being.

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What is happiness?

There pursuit of happiness it has been a constant desire since ancient times. For the Greeks, it was the consequence of virtuous practice, wisdom and love of justice and truth, but despite the fact that human beings have always focused on this theme with books, literary and artistic works, music and films, the term happiness remains the most important. complicated to explain.

What is certain is that several studies carried out in recent years confirm that a high feeling of satisfaction and well-being leads to reduction of many health risks and to a increased life expectancy involving not only the cardiovascular systembut also the functionality of immune system.

Martin EP Seligman, American psychologist and essayist and founder of positive psychology, reassures: “happiness is a goal within everyone's reach, provided you learn and practice good behavior towards others and, above all, towards yourself”. However, for non-experts, it can be complicated to identify happiness in something concrete, definable or quantifiable.

In the book Building happiness by Martin Seligman, the author makes an important contribution with a theory contained therein. “Happiness can be analyzed by breaking it down into three elements, three authentic forms. L'positive emotion, that is to say what we experience as pure pleasure, ecstasy and comfort; THE participation, which takes the name flow – like becoming one with what you are doing without noticing the passage of time; THE meaning or purpose of lifewhich consists of being part of something greater than ourselves and is linked to the subjective understanding of the world, to the joy of living linked to the realization of one's own person and of what surrounds one”.

Happiness, often compared superficially to good humor, joy or a smile, is on the contrary something deeper, more intrinsic. Happiness has many forms, but they must all aim for one optimal operationthe said flourishingthat is to say the whole of physical, mental and social well-being which allows you to build relationships, experience positive emotions, and understand your priorities, without focusing only on temporary positive emotional states.

The 4 hormones of happiness, how to produce them naturally

Isolated for the first time in 1935 by Vittorio Erspamer, a neuropharmacologist from Malosco, the serotonin it is on the podium of neurotransmitters which produce, among other things, sensations of well-being. Synthesized in the brain and other tissues, it is produced 95% in intestinal cells and 5% in serotonergic neurons in the brain. Increasing levels of this chemical messenger, which plays a key role in regulating mood, helps you manage your days better and live a happier life.
Producing it naturally is important stay outside, better if you are completely immersed in nature. Exposing yourself to light promotes the synthesis of serotonin and constitutes a real antidepressant therapy.

L'diet has a fundamental role: the consumption of foods containing tryptophan, a nutrient present in both animal and plant proteins, promotes an increase in the production of serotonin in the brain. Numerous studies have revealed the possibility of integrating tryptophan also to act on pathologies such as depression.

Also do physical activity, whether it's a brisk walk or run, it improves mood and prevents mental illness. Constant exercise increases the secretion of several factors, including dopaminelinked to our brain's pleasure and reward systems, improving resilience to emotional upheaval and improving self-esteem.

Through the sport group, yoga, meditation, listening to music, altruistic behaviors and moments of intimacy, theoxytocin. More commonly known as the social relations hormone, it helps maintain a good mood by positively influencing relationships and contributing to better understanding and sensitivity towards others. Animal studies have shown that the higher the levels of oxytocin, the more affiliative behaviors, social bonds, and nurturing of young predominate.

Lara Lucaccioni, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer and author of the book Laugh, love, livehe built his happiness by combining the practice of yoga to that of laughter. “Thanks to laughter – Lucaccioni said. – it is possible to reoxygenate because all the carbon dioxide that is still in the lower part of the lungs is released. When we laugh, our body also produces endorphins, neurotransmitters generated in response to happiness. These feel-good chemicals reduce pain and increase feelings of pleasure and satisfaction.

Endorphins act as natural pain relievers. These neurotransmitters produce a feeling of calm and contentment and also help reduce stress and anxiety, improving our overall mood. “Laugh with others – concludes Lucaccioni – or participating in group activities contributes to strengthen social bonds and improves our sense of belonging and happiness“.

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