The letter to graduates from “College” professor Andrea Maggi: “Adults worked against you, now it’s your turn”

Professor on television, but also in real life. His name is Andrea Maggi and he is one of the most famous teachers in Italy for having participated in the docu-reality Rai 2, Middle School, where a group of contemporary students are catapulted into the teaching of another era. Today, a few days before the start of the final exams, he decided to spare a thought for the students from all over Italy who are preparing to face the formidable commission. And he does it with a letter from the columns of The Gazzettino. “Dear high school graduates, after the end of your studies, you were left in the dark for ten days, but the exams will finally begin this week. I'm sure you'll be able to demonstrate who you are regardless. Despite what, you say? », the professor begins to write. “Despite the fact that the adult world has always worked against you, both when it has cajoled you and when it has made fun of you. However, the biggest mistake adults made towards you was complaining about you. Shaken by their own fragilities, they considered you incapable of facing difficulties, which is why they always opened the way for you,” continues Maggi.

Adult Responsibilities

“Unfortunately, in doing so, instead of protecting you, they hindered your growth. No effort, no thought, no worry, it leads to nothing. Adults have always spoken for you, thought for you, acted for you, some even in good faith; but in doing so, they canceled you. This is where your famous discomfort comes from. It doesn't surprise me that some children who have their first experiences with their peers only blame themselves. When words are lacking, all that remains is the hands to express uneasiness”, we can still read in the lines of the star professor. Who lets himself go to regret something which, in his opinion, is lost between the school walls, affecting the true meaning of study.

“Knowledge has been lost”

“What happened to knowledge?” It is confused with the notion of notion. Knowledge has acquired a negative, sterile, classist meaning, which must be erased from school. The problem is that knowledge is above all a right of all, so it has nothing to do with the much hated notionism. Fortunately, the smartest among you did not follow the siren song that cajoled you, saying that they were on your side, when in reality they were only thinking of hiding their responsibilities,” comments Maggi To conclude then: “You did not trust those who taught you to resign yourself to mediocrity, but you followed those who knew how to pass on to you with passion the desire to conquer your own fears, by working hard on. yourself. […] You didn't give up. Good game. In 2024, I hope you will be examined by mature, competent and prepared teachers. You strive to demonstrate your maturity. I just hope adults can do the same.”

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