The journalist who accuses Rocco Siffredi of sexual harassment: “It's not true that I tried with him”

Rocco Siffredi “does not realize the seriousness of what he is saying”. But the former porn star “knows he made a mistake and is taking a risk.” This is why “try to turn the tables on me”. It was the journalist who denounced the actor for sexual harassment with his lawyer Laura Sgrò. He told magistrates of an approach during an interview and subsequent insults and insinuations about the journalist's sex life. “He even asks that my name be made public. As if he wanted to blacklist me,” he adds in an interview with Corriere della Sera protected by anonymity.


“I have colitis because of the nervousness I felt reading some of his answers… and the previous days were not easy,” says the journalist. What Siffredi says he is ready to report. And he challenges us to give him the contents of the chats: “What he doesn't know is that the police already have a USB key with everything we said and wrote to each other, including the text of the interview. How it was and how it was changed at your request. I haven't omitted anything.” She says she reported it for professional reasons: “As I wrote to him in the chat, I could have overlooked the personal insults but I under no circumstances accept that my professionalism be called into question.” Even if it is not true that she “tried” with him: “I have a nine-year-old son, a partner who is 15 years younger and I hit on him? I understand his fame and he may be considered a handsome man, but he's not really my type, and I could never date someone with his history.”

Attraction and pressure

The journalist explains that she took a photo with him “at the end of the interview as often happens with famous people and I also posted it on my social networks. Then we said goodbye with two kisses on the cheeks and that's it.” Siffredi said he felt attracted to her after “holding her in his arms.” And he talks about her friend, from whom he ran away “so as not to cause damage”. The response: “I asked my friend, who was celebrating her birthday, to be present. Both because she is a fan of his and had the opportunity to meet him, and because his presence reassured me, given Siffredi's previous messages and his reputation as a predator.”

“You look good, top femininity”

Siffredi sent the woman a photo of herself taken from social media with the comment: “You look good, top femininity.” “And it shows what his intentions were from the start. The interview had not been authorized, he still asked to do it, in person, coming to a hotel in Rome. When he realized there were no cat guts, he ran away,” she said. Who then reveals the reason for the initial argument during the interview: “He wanted me to pick up some of his sentences about Alessandro Borghi (the actor who plays him in the television series dedicated to him, ed ), I satisfied him but he still didn't like it even if, rereading everything, there was nothing imprecise. From there it was transcended by insults and very harsh evaluations towards me which made me anxious and agitated also due to the tone used.”

A woman “who must have sex to return to normal”

Finally, he says he is not looking for publicity: “Then I would have authorized you to publish my name (as an injured person, the law requires respect for private life, subject to consent, editor's note). On the contrary, I have everything to lose in this story and I hope to be able to forget it soon.” And he concludes by explaining why the apologies were not enough: “He agreed with me, but then for hours he insisted on calling and texting me. Persecution. He doesn't accept rejection and demeans me as a woman, saying I need to have more sex “to get back to normal. I still feel bad about it.”

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